
My daughters are afraid of school!?

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2 of my daughters Kennetty and jayden are affraid of there first day of kindergarden! they say they dont want to go. I have read books, talked about, and comforted them about the idea but nothing works.




  1. Most children are afraid of going to school for the first time.  Does the school have some sort of orientation day that you could attend with them?  That would probably help.  If the school doesn't have a formal orientation, then maybe call the school and ask if you and your daughters could take a tour of the school together and meet the teacher.  If they know where they are going and who will be there ahead of time, it might be a bit less scary.  Good luck!

  2. Perhaps you could introduce them to another girl or two that will be in their class.  Maybe if they know that their friend/s will be at school then they'll want to go.

  3. poor little things  tell them you well eat breakfast  with them

    every morning this is what my daughter did  tell

    them they well have fun and make little friends

    and play and make things  and you be right there when they get out school they are just scared never been a way from mommy just comfort them and when you pick them up ask what they did

    and tell them it is pretty and how good they did  have them a little surprise for them  give it a little time hon like i said every morning

    she went in there with them till they liftfor class  and after a while when you feel comfortable that they well be ok then you won,t have to do it every morning less of course you want to i have three grand babies and i did this be for my daughter died  

  4. im still afraid of the first day of school but as soon as the second day comes its a bit better.... i hate first day of school at new schools which happens regurally since my mom is a travelling business woman...

  5. it is called Kindergarten... Have you not read that word in any or your books

  6. Every child is afraid of school at first. Their leaving their parents for the first time for almost an entire day. You should right little notes that they can understand in their lunch boxes saying that you love them and to have fun. If you already know of any children or other parents who will be entering in their class maybe set up a play date so that your daughters will already have a friend before school starts.

    hope this helps_*

  7. Aw how cute I am sure it must be scary for them but are they going to kindergarten with some of their friends they know from preschool? If so tell them their little friends are going to be there with them and things will be fine, and tell them you will walk into the classroom with them before you go to work.One more thing, tell them they will get to make new friends and have fun in a big girl school. They will only be scared the first few days it`s normal as soon as they make new friends they will be just fine.

  8. They are going to a new school with bigger kids, its a bigger school, new kids in there grade, a new teacher, a principal, all these other things that make kids afraid to go. No matter what you do they will be nervous. They might cry a little when they first get there but so will almost every other kindergardener.  The first week might be a little rocky but with being so young by the second week they will love school

  9. they will probably be alittle scared at first but then they will meet other kids and hopefuly have fun... just try to hide how you feel from them too.. GOOD LUCK!!

  10. every kid is afraid of there first day of school.

    as soon as they go, maybe they will like it  

  11. Sometimes when we make too big a deal of something kids get scared.  I would stop making a fuss about it and on the first day of school, just tell them "We have to eat breakfast, there is school today".  My kids used to get sick before the holidays because I made a fuss and think I just wore them down, now I just don't tell them anymore.  It has actually been working.  Get their stuff ready, and say this is for when school starts, and then don't mention it again for the rest of the time.  They will calm down.  It will probably  be harder on you than them.

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