
My daughters father has not seen or talked to her since xmas should i take him back to court ?

by  |  earlier

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should i change his visits he is suppose to have her every weekend and she is two




  1. no.if he dont wanna be around his daughter.dont let him.cause in the long run,its gunna bite him in the butt...

  2. I guess you could.

    But why would you force your daughter's father to be around the daughter if he doesn't want to be? Isn't that painful for your daughter to feel unwanted at such an early age?  

  3. No I do not think you should take him back to court, obviously he does not care about her, if he did he would not be acting this way. Your daughter is really young, I would definatly be concerned about him having her at that age since he is already showing high signs of irresponsibility anyway. If he is that way, she does not need him in her life.

  4. If your child is only 2 and her dad has not seen her in 8 months then

    she was still a baby the last time she spend time with him. So he would be like a stranger to her. You need to talk to your lawyer because he could just show up some day and demand to have her for

    the weekend.  This happened in my family and the court ordered very short visits like a couple of hours in the child's home so they could rebuild the father/daughter relationship.  If he wants to have a relationship with his child it is his choice. But it sounds like your child

    is better off without him because I would question his parental skills.

  5. no he doesnt deserve her and if she hasnt complained no just have her call him or sumthin

  6. The visitation order is not there to force him to see his child if he doesn't want to.  It is there in order to keep YOU from holding the child back from visiting her father if he wants to see her.  You have nothing to take him to court about and the judge would have you paying for wasting the court's time if you take it to court.  Leave it alone, there is no law that says he HAS to see his long as he is paying child support you have no reason to take him to court.

  7. Yes, you need to be current with your order.  That way you show what his contact is with her.  Also make sure your child support order is in tacked that way he is paying for her regardless of him seeing her.

    I feel you on this one.  Going through the same thing.

  8. I don't know if taking him back to court would help any.  Of course, I don't know the situation, but maybe he's not too interested in seeing his little girl.  I don't know, but I think if a father is interested in his child he'll do everything he can to see them.  I can say mine didn't give a d**n about me.  It's involved story, but he made my life difficult and hasn't even sent me a gift or card since I was 10 and there was a mercenary motive behind it (I'm 24 now).  Does your little girl's dad REALLY care about seeing her?

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