
My daughters finger keeps going white?

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my daughter is 4 years old, for over a week now the middle finger of her right hand keeps going white cold and she says it feels funny (presuming she means numb) it doesnt happen in any other finger on either hand. She hasn't knocked it and she says it doesnt hurt in anyway, 'just feels funny'

It happens about 4-5 times daily?

I have been to my gp who said he didn't know what it was and he'd need to see it, but if it persists to go back???

anyone have any ideas????




  1. It sounds like a lack of circulation.  Have you been watching her when it happened?  Direct eye contact?  Because I am wondering if she has maybe a nervous habit where she pressures the base of the finger, and that causes it.

    Intermittent problems are always the hardest to diagnose, whether mechanical or medical - your doctor gave you the right advice.

    What about thumbsucking?  Could she be sucking that finger (or holding onto it to keep from sucking it after being told not to?)  I guess what I am getting to is that I suspect there is a mechanical-type cause, something she is doing with or to the finger.  At least, that seems the most likely.

    Kids are something else.  One day, once the mystery is solved, this will be a great family story, but you are right to check it out.

  2. My best friend's finger kept doing that! All 10 of them, and when she went to the doctor he said it was some sort of syndrome that can't be helped.

    You should go back to your doctor to see what he can do.

  3. You need to take your daughter to a rheumatologist that handles children her age.  The symptoms she is experiencing could be a result of raynaud's syndrome, I don't know how rare or common it is in a pediatric patient but it does happen more to women who have collagen or autoimmune issues.  I speak from personal experience as someone who has reynauds in my hands. I am being treated by a rhuematologist for this condition, it improves with treatment.  The problem is that some doctors will often dismiss these symptoms especially in younger patients. It is up to you as a parent to be persistant in getting proper diagnosis and treatment for your daughter.  I hope you find quick resolution for her and that all works out for the best...Good luck!

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