
My daughters leg is swollen, red and hard two days after her vaccine was given is this normal?

by  |  earlier

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my daughter just got her polio, mmr and chicken pox shot and now two days later her one leg is swollen, very red and hard in the area where the shot was given. She doesnt complain of pain and there are no other symptoms.




  1. Honestly i do not think that is a very good sign.  I would atlesat call her dr to see if its normal or not, but i would say not.  When anything is swallen or red and hot to touch it def means there is a infection or a reaction going on.  I would be calling her dr asap to get that checked out

  2. That is not a healthy reaction, although it is common.  You have a right to report it to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System so that researchers can identify patterns of reactions.

    You can search the VAERS database for other reported events through this website.

    Your doctor will most likely say everything is fine and refuse to report it to VAERS, but you have a right to report it yourself if your doctor refuses to do so.

    You should also insist that the doctor describe the reaction in your child's medical record.

  3. Yeah, check with the doctor ASAP.

  4. That's not an abnormal response to getting so many vaccines at one time.  If she isn't running a fever or complaining of pain, just let her be.  If it doesn't clear up in a few days, then see the doctor.

    In the meantime, if you feel she would be more comfortable, use cool compresses on her leg, massage the area if she will hold still for it and give her some tylenol.

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