
My daycare provider doesnt keep my 1yr old's nose clean...?

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Please tell me if i'm overracting. My son just started daycare 3 weeks ago and when I pick him up after being there for 7-8, his nose is never clean. It's usually got a small crusty like boogerish look to it. Now mind you, he's caught his first few common colds since he's been there (he's 1 years old), so part of it is due to his nose running(draining). Today I mentioned to her when I dropped him off that I packed extra towels and wipes in his bag to wipe his nose with. It's annoying because I feel its nasty and it's really kinda dirty. I could never pick him up and take him directly somewhere without wiping his nose out. She takes care of him and 6 other lil' ones, all under the age of 3-4, with no helper. I'm thinking she probably doesn't have time to wipe his nose out, but with him eating and her changing him you'd think she'd wipe his nose at least one during the day. How do I solve this problem or is this not a big deal. I know a dirty nose won't hurt him but still! oh what to do?




  1. Just tell the teacher to wipe his face during the day and especially his nose.

    That is her job, tell her, remind her.

    Carry Q-tips also for the teacher to use on his nose with saline.

    6 children, sure she can wipe his nose.

  2. y

  3. I find it hard to believe she doesnt wipe his nose at all, as a fellow childcare worker i know how busy the day can be especially when u are by yourself with 5 or 6 kids under 3. Do u think u would have time to constantly wipe a childs nose all day with that many kids around? Unless there are boogers falling out his nose u prob r overreacting a bit

  4. find someone else

  5. Part of a childcare provider's job is to tend to the health and safety of each and every child. She is not meeting the needs of your child if his nose is not being cleaned the way it should. It also becomes a health issue because that is how virus's are spread. If this simple little thing is being overlooked, it makes me wonder what else she is dong that is not meeting the needs of children?

    I think it is a sign that the place might not be as good of a place as you might think. She may have too many children then she can handle alone, therefore not able to provide adequate care for each and every child.

    If you are happy with the care provider then mention it to her. Tell her that you have noticed when you pick up your baby he always has a dirty nose. Parents will think that their child has not ever had a nose wiped all day long, and then can feel upset about it. A childcare provider needs to be aware of your feelings , so do not hesitate in expressing them.

  6. I think you've done all you can. I know with my kids that a nose can look crusty with boogers in less than an hour.

    Also her booger squick factor may be larger than yours.  I know mine is a lot bigger than several other people. (i.e. I let it go longer between wipings)

  7. i would defintly say something you have the right to, it is her job to look after your child and if you are concerned you should defintly bring the issue up. I'd just say something like hes had a really runny nose recently could you please keep wiping it and she'll obviously agree and it sounds to me like shes over ratio and there should be another carer in there, id bring this up with management and get it sorted. it is your right to after all they are looking after your child

  8. I don't think you are overreacting. It actually speaks volumes about the care he is receiving as health and safety should always come first. It's common for children to get sick a lot in day care but they should be trying their best to keep everything clean (the children, the equipment, the toys) The ratio should be 1:4. This should be a big red flag for you! It only takes a second to wipe a kids face and if she can't do it then something is wrong. Either she doesn't care or she's too busy which means your child isn't getting proper care. Start looking for something else.

  9. If this continues to happen after you have mentioned to her the extra wipes for his nose, I would make a point of cleaning his nose in front of her when you pick him up. If she sees you cleaning his nose every day, she will see that it is a problem and hopefully will be more vigilant about wiping his nose.

    She should be wiping his nose as well as the other children, especially because of the colds being passed back and forth. Its a matter of eliminating germs as much as possible in a day care.

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