
My daylilies produced few blooms...same with my Iris... any suggestions?

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My daylilies produced few blooms...same with my Iris... any suggestions?




  1. For your daylilies, it is probably time to divide them.  Just dig them up, separate the fans, and replant.  Now is a good time.

    Also, July is the month to dig up irises, so you're in luck.  If you had good blooms before, but not now, I'd suggest digging the rhizomes up and separating the new rhizome growth from the old rhizome.  Then replant them shallowly and cut the top growth back to about six inches.  Do this to overcrowded clumps, as this will probably halt their blooming for one year, but the following year you will have good blooms.

  2. Divide them.

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