
My dead mother who died in a freak accident has come back to haunt me?

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My mother who died a few weeks ago at age 83 has recently come back to haunt me. She died in a freak accident when I forget to put her seatbelt on, and being the delusional woman she was, she opened the car door and was sucked out onto the road right into the path of a log truck. Long story cut short, there was a lot to be cleaned up when her body went under the log truck and was splatted all over the road.

Anyway, yes, she is now back to haunt me and I see her when I dream. I don't feel guilty or anything, I mean it's not like I pushed her out of the car. What can I do to make her leave me alone? I had to put up with her for 83 years and was relieved when I looked in that rear-vision mirror and saw her body all over the front of that truck and the road. I don't want her around too much longer.

How can I get rid of her, again?




  1. she haunts you because basing on the way you wrote your question, you were ungrateful and unappreciative. too feel relief when someone has died is irrational and selfish.

    that said, she may also be haunting you because she knows how much you hate her and wants to make peace with you. i am thinking that you did not have an easy time with her while she was alive but you don't know if that was the best she could have done.

    spirits haunt when they have unfinished business.  you are hers.  let it not be a bad one. give her peace. talk to her and ask her what she wants.

  2. That is without a doubt a callious way to mention your Mother and her death.  As Mothers Day approaches, you really should be embarrassed to put up a question like that.

    The story is so thin, I am wondering if it not just a made up horror story.  If that be the case, I am sure that there are a lot of people in this forum who would join me in your condemnation.  You should never say things like that.  Bad to make up a lie on a relative and use it as an excuse.

    And on the off chance that she has already passed, maybe she will come back to haunt you now and with a sack of switches so you can be the first adult human to be attacked by his mothers ghost!

  3. Here is a weak point in your story. If you open a car door while driving you would not get sucked out. In fact, it would be very difficult for an 83 year old woman to even open the door with the air pushing against it.

    Once you get past that problem, your story is also conflicted about weather she went under the log truck or on front of it. You say she went under, then you say you saw her splattered on front.

    There is no way she could have been splattered on front, she went under it, you would not have seen her in your rear view mirror.

    Don't let your mother read this story, it will break her heart to know you are plotting such a horrible death for her.

  4. i think u are in the wrong category u should be in creative writing .good twist for a short story ....hhmmmmm .....u've given me an idea.....

  5. Are you sure she feell out of the car or did you push her out.

  6. why dont u forget to put on the seatbelt urself next time and open the door of the car..thats the best way to get rid of her

    and hey if ur mother was already dead how did she die wat uve written "My dead mother who died in a freak accident "

  7. Commit the final affront: Rob her of the last bit of power she has on planet Earth by refusing to believe in her ability to communicate with you after death.

  8. first time in my life i see and hear a person who's relived to see their mother dead but  you probably have your reasons horrible death by the way  maybe she has something to tell you maybe she regrets the fact that you had to suffer because of her

  9. You're sick!

  10. Ahh. I agree with you that it isn't your fault. So i am not quite sure why she is haunting you.

    But a friend of a friend of mine has been in a simillar situation!

    You must be careful if you leave it for too long she will never leave you along, and break glasses in your house and stuff.

    That way to get rid of her is to write a letter to her every night saying "Dear (insert her name here) LEAVE ME ALONE!"

    Then rub it with banana's and burn it.

    Do this every night at 11:32pm. Within a year she should be gone.

    Good luck. But make sure you don't miss a night or she will chop off your balls.

  11. your good, is that you Steven, Steven Spielberg.

  12. I don't believe a words you're saying. must have been a miracle be as old as your mother.Maybe it's not your mother...maybe it's your x wife that you murdered. Actually...both of them should haunt you.

  13. I do not believe your story, but I do believe that you have ill will towards your mother, whether she is alive or dead.  

    You might work on getting rid of your nasty attitude.   No one deserves to be the object of it.

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