
My dear M&F much do you like online games?

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i think i'll take a break from answering interesting questions and ask one. im a person who really likes points. on any site, if there is a point system, then i will save my points and gain points. i wont try to be the top, but i will treasure those points and make sure they keep a steady progress upward, not downward. well, i also love online games, especially flash animated games, which interest me greatly. one of my favorite sites is, and guess what? its got a point system. and i dont have time to comment or talk on the forums. after all, i go there to play games. maybe im O.C. or something, but it annoys the heck out of me that im not getting points. its just nagging at the back of my head. this point system is a little different. instead of levels, its got ranks, and you start at copper surf, then silver surf, then gold, and the last rank is copper king, silver king, and gold king. i want to be a a king. so i though up what i think is a really good idea. cont.




  1. I like games, they keep me entertained when people on here start acting stupid. That sounds fun, I may try it.

    If you want a game that is challenging try the N game. The first few levels are easy, then later you want to throw your computer out the window.

  2. I'm only answering because I took all the time to read this. :)

    I only have net access at work so I wouldn't be able to participate.

    My favorite games are the old classics, like Gauntlet, Tetris, Centepede...Ultimate Exodus (that was one of my favorites) and Metroid (the original)...and all the Mario Brothers games, the best one was part 3, where you could get a leaf and turn into an animal...very cool! :)

    There used to be this really simplistic game called Bubble Bobble, with these cute little guys that would capture the enemy in a bubble and then pop them and they would turn into treats. Very fun in a Pac Man sort of way, it had 100 levels! :D

    Anyways, I hope you find some people who are able to participate. :)

  3. Games. Ever thought of spending your precious human form of life doing something really worthwhile? There is no truth, no reality, no responsible intelligence, no spiritual development, no value to playing games. It's all just a great big waste of time, energy, money and the human form of life. Human life is meant fro enquiring about the Absolute Truth, for self-realisation, learning to get free from the miseries of life once and for all, returning to the spiritual world where we eternally belong. Playing games is a great waste of your God given intelligence. Please take life seriously. Take care. GOURANGA GOURANGA GOURANGA. I you really want a challenge, then try becoming self-realised as quickly as you can, then you have really become something. Gouranga

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