
My dear fellow Indians. I love you all. I love by heart the ones who can read this and who cannot.?

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I am sure you all do love India and if not then atleast Indians. Taking the rich ppl out - the middle class is 300 million in pop.

We are all the new generations. We will be representatives and responsible of India as a nation of different ppl in some years. We all know that our government and systems are incompetent and rusted. The backbone of the system we are living on is broken. We have the smartest brains, new gained money power which is increasing day by day, we are all daredevils and we come with treasures of knowledge from our ancients - For how long we will live and accept this broken system ? and till when cases like Nithari case and people like all our politicians and government employees make a joke out of us? Why is life so hard? Why brothers kill each other? Is this just a victims failure to deal with it or whole country and thus ours ?

Can we please initiate a fight/revolution - which is required here? I am not a smart fellow - neither rich - but i offer my support




  1. by the treasures from our ancients, do you mean sati, human sacrifice,  thuggee, castes, untouchability, oppression of women, purdah, child marriage, polygamy, or the incomparable ability of our ancestors to close their eyes to these social evils and concentrate upon an unseen 'brahman'; or their capacity of not contemplating the sufferings of the lower castes by giving themselves a lame excuse of 'swadharmam' or 'fate' or 'as divinely ordained' in gita? keeping as many people illiterate as possible? preventing them from crossing the seas? if you say these are superstitions, these were also the 'treasures' from our ancestors, remember. that they are dead does not make the ancestors holy.

    for the first time the lower castes have a little say in this country and its government; this has prompted many self proclaimed patriots to 'save' this country through a 'revolution' in the name of their ancestors. i hope you are not one of them.

    your middle class is snobbish and suffering from inferiority complex. they would stand in queue for two days in front of the american embassy for the visa, or in a multiplex for a ticket, but would not stand in a queue to elect their representatives. they were indifferent when p v narasimharao was convicted, but vociferously in sympathy when sanjay dutt was convicted. your middle class cannot and will not produce one leader who can lead the country; they will sit before the internet terminals and cry hoarse that the country is being ruined, but will not do anything to stop any evil. that is why all the leaders are either from established political families (very high income) or from among the lower classes. your middle class do not have the tenacity or perseverance to bring about any change; they will hold candle light vigils for victims from rich families, but will not depose as witness in a criminal case. they are orchids- beautiful but ornamental; cannot stand harsh climate; perish easily. and to think of leading a revolution with the help of these people! leave your home, go to a village and stay there with common people for a month; if you can survive that, and if you like it, then you can bring a change, for better or worse, in the system. not otherwise.

  2. I m with u

    Any Steps to follow?

  3. hi you,don't get can not change the world around but can change himself.keep in right path &stay upright.

  4. Why are you so confused? Tell me which country does not have politicians? dont forget, we are just a young nation(politically and socially also). We, the youngsters are the real backbone of our country. and, we are not broken.

    No need for any kind of revolution.  We have to just make a point that,1) we choose our representatives bit more carefully, 2)We deal with our problems more elegantly, 3)If I cant be good to anybody, I wont be bad also.

  5. I do not know you but I thank you for your love to fellow Indians. I am in 110015

  6. huh....

  7. first of all thanks a lot for your truth man.this NiKi who answered your question above me don't worry about her she looks stupid to me.but i was waiting for long time for someone to say what ever you have written.these politicians have corrupted our system so bad that it is going to take next sixty years to clean all the mess up.what they did is they stored all the wealth of india in there bank is so hard for a normal man to live properly.i can imagine what people go through in every day life.but still i see them laughing and enjoying.our country is number one only if someone do something about these politicians.i want to say a lot but don't know where to start.

    NiKi stop that image thing.first go and live a life of a RIKSHEY WALA or someone who lives on 30 ruppes a that life for ONLY 1 DAY then you will stop worrying about the image of india.

  8. this is a wake-up call for you, friend. there is nothing special about india, its history or its people. 70 years ago, when we were fighting for independence, everyone thought that here is a country with a wonderful heritage and spiritual awareness and beautiful landscapes, we MUST save it. so, if you are an indian who is 75 years old or more, you are the true indian the world respected and who deserves more than what you have received. the country is full of corruption and violence and the people have no soul. remember, the government is made up of indian people so don't think the politicians are different from us, we voted them into power. and you - so busy distancing yourself from this filth that is our country - do you offer help to old people crossing the road or traveling on public transport? do you throw rubbish anywhere you please, spit and blow your nose on the street? do you also stand properly in line at ticket counters, banks, post offices? do you switch off your mobile in cinemas? do you lower your voice in restaurants and leave the table clean after your meals? do speak politely to the elderly and the poor? will you demand the newspapers and tv channels to show some decorum while reporting crimes and not sensationalising rapes and murders? in fact, do you respect your fellow indians? you don't have to start a revolution to bring about change, just be a better human being and demand that others treat you with respect. indians waste time in organising and planning and do nothing.

  9. Constitution of India has created the best Institutions of democracy

    I think we must be proud of this fact

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