
My deployed husband needs a job when he comes home..I need some advise on how to get him into lawenforcement

by Guest63607  |  earlier

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My husband is deployed with the army and doesnt come home until November. He will be unemployed since we was full time before he left. He has a GED but has been in the army for the past 8yrs so he doesn't have a degree or a trade. He holds the Military Police MOS and thinks he would like to get into law enforcement. We have a 1yr old and I can only work part time due to health issues so we need to get him a job right away when he gets home...does anyone have advise on how to get him a job? I dont even know where you would find out what departments are hiring!!! Please, any advise would be great




  1. You need to contact or visit the website for your counties Police Academy to find out when they are taking applications.

  2. With his experience in the military, he won't have a hard time finding a job.  He can start applying right now for law enforcement jobs and they'll be ready to interview as soon as gets back in the US.  I believe the website is or something like that.  There's also another website called "hire a hero".  It's an employment website for veterans that are looking for civilian work once they ets out of the military.  Tell your husband to start looking now because the hiring process takes a while.

  3. Call the police dept in a large city near your home. Most of them have employment hotlines or will refer you to their website. They'll have testing dates. My husband was in the Marine Corps and went through classes to prepare him for civilian life. I'm sure the army offers the same. Police depts give "extra credit" to those who have military experience. If he's honorably discharged, he should have no problem getting on with a polie dept. Hope this helps!

  4. Should not be difficult considering his military background.

    You should locate the address and phone number of your local police academy and give this information to him. Tell him to start talking to them and corresponding with them. He should send them his resume and tell them he would like to start the recruitment process when he gets back.

  5. Many departments are now short on people. Just call your closest police departments and ask them about their hiring process. If he's under 34, it shouldn't be much of a problem.

  6. Start by contacting your local city police. If they don't have any openings they might know who to contact or where to look at your county sheriff office or possibly even the state police. Openings for state police as well as requirements can usually be found on your state's DPS website.  

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