
My desktop has a much slower download than upload......why?

by  |  earlier

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My desktop computer when hardwired to the modem dowloads at only 200 to 400 kbps (20 to 40 kB/s). When done wirelessly through a router, it goes up to 1500 kbps (150 kB/s). My laptop goes to 6500 kbps (650 kB/s) wirelessly; my desktop used to download the same up until about 3 months ago.

I bought a new hard drive because I had issues and hoped it would fix the problem but it did not. I'm doing speed tests through and through the program I bought a couple of days ago called System Mechanic. I have downloaded many big programs as tests as well and it's the same thing.

I can't figure this out, can someone help???!!!!!




  1. If your ISP is att...really SBC of texas...get a better ISP.

    My downloads are 65Mbps. Uploads only 550Kbps.

    I download 5 gb od video in 2.5 hours, not 48 hours [yuck-o att-sbc]

  2. Your problem is possibly a firewall.  When you download, the files might be relayed because of computer's firewall.  Try disabling a firewall (if you have many)

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