
My dh say there is no history on fire fox, I think he's spying on me, how do I know? He's a comp. tech.?

by  |  earlier

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He has multiple computers, he can see what I'm doing, I can't see what he's doing, because he is always checking to see if I was on his computer, what can I do? I have confronted him, I think he's cheating on me. If I try to see what he's doing he will know. He's so smart. Darn computers anyway! I use internet explorer, I am going crazy over this!!




  1. What exactly is your question?

    Is there history in Firefox?  Yes  But it can easily be erased.  

  2. Firefox does have a history just like IE. The big difference is how it handles the history. Just as on IE there is a tools menu for configuring option. Firefox may or may not be set up to delete personal information on closure. This could include the history and well as other items like the address bar history. Windows does have a secret area that few people know of. Its the recent document history. Basically, windows tracks every file you open and places a link in this folder. It is found under C:\Documents and Settings\user name\Recent (Replace user name with the appropriate user for the computer in question). This only tracks documents, videos, picture, etc, not the actual programs used to open them nor does it keep a record of instant messages. There are programs out there for monitoring Internet usage like Net Nanny. If you want to go down this route, I would have a good long chat with your dh. There is a trust issue here and that needs to be address by someone other than family and friends. I hope that this helps and that what you fear is not true. Good luck.

  3. Drive 'em crazy back use a system he does not have access to.

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