
My d**k hurts. serious question.?

by  |  earlier

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it hurts when i first get hard. and then when i make it super hard like i get the blood flowing to it, it hurts even more. then after a while of being hard it goes away. it feels like a sharp pain going all the way down my d**k... wtf is it?




  1. Are you circumcised ?

    if not is it possible your f******n is really tight.

    If this is not the reason then I would go see

    a doctor. There are no muscles in the p***s

    just sponge like tissue, veins, flesh and skin.

    Take care.

  2. see a doc

  3. it sounds totally muscular  it could be that you have some infected tissue

    but just be careful with it ...

  4. I would also suggest talking to a doctor about it. I remember something similar when I was young and it turned out to be nothing, but if its a constant problem I would have it checked out.

  5. Sounds like a infection of some sort.

    This ain't where you should be askin this.  Go see a doctor.  The quicker the better.  He will probably give you antibiotics to get rid of the infection.

  6. you need to go to the Doctor.if are not an adult yet.Tell your parents to take you it could be as a simple infection to a serious problem there.If you are an adult go to the doctor now.Good luck.

  7. Stacy because d**k is a name!!!!!!! d**k Chaney, d**k Butkus, Moby d**k!! Dude maybe you should lay off the masturbation!!!!!  

  8. see your doctor please.  

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