
My diet & swimming?

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I've recently came off of my vegetarian diet because I believe I wasn't eating right. Yet, I still think this is happening because everyday I feel tired, sore, and out of energy. I'm a pretty avid swimmer. (Mon. 6am-7am, 5pm-7pm &Tue. 5pm-pm & Wens.6-7am, 5-7pm &Thurs. 5pm- 7pm & Fri. 6am-7am, 5pm-7pm & Sat 6am-7am) I'm just really worried about how I'm eating right now. Could someone please help me out?

This is what I usally eat now

Breakfast-Bowl of Special K with a glass of milk or orange juice, Banana.

Lunch-PB&J, Water, Special K bar, Sun chips. (This is lunch @ school)

Snack before swimming-PB and crackers, water

Dinner-white meat,veggies, water

I don't eat junk food or drink soda, EVER. That stuff is just gross and bad for you. The only things I drink are- Water, Tea, G2 Gatorade(only when I swim). Could someone please give me foods I need to be eating and some other tips or such? I really need some good food for you that I can eat! Thanks. :]




  1. You are eating great!  The only advice I would give is that you add a meal between breakfast and lunch.  It might just give you that little extra pick-up that you say that your lacking.  

    Some ideas (string cheese, almonds, unsalted nuts, fruit).  Give it at try.

  2. no your eating pretty well

    you swim too much

    ease up on the swimming

    but i'm not proffesional,

    consult a doctor, he should know :D

  3. Keep doing all that swimming because it is great for your body and very good exercise but try if you are doing the workouts your self to tone it down a bit.  If you are on a team try going to the morning practices every-other day.  Your diet is awesome but if you are feeling sore try a protein bar or shake after your practices.  Also try in the mornings before you swim to take a B vitamin for energy.  Another thing is after practices try eating a little bit more food to keep your energy up.

  4. wow.... I think you swim too much, too.

    But I suppose you are in a swim team or something that requires you to practice that much.  If I am wrong, I think you need to go easy on the exercise.  

    But if I am right, EAT MORE!!  I suggest you to eat more! and more protein.  I know that you are eating some protein... in PB and white meat... but it doesn't sound enough for how much you work out.  If you could have an egg for your breakfast or protein shake or something, it might be better along with your regular items.  If you worry about calories....., then how about TOFU?  It is rich in good protein and very low calories! Or may be some salad with avocado?  You need some fat, too.  (It seems that there is hardly any fat with your meals....) Avocado's fat is unsaturated fat and rich in fiber, pottasium and vitamins ; )  You need to eat well balanced meals through out the day to keep up with your hard practice, otherwise your body would make you feel just like you feel now.  If you can talk to a dietician, talk to them or maybe school nurse?

    Eat good and Feel Great! Enjoy your swimming ; )

  5. You eat really well!  I swim just as much as you... I always take a bag of fruit or cereal to school, it helps keep your energy up between practices.  Good luck!
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