
My digital camera just broke?!?!!!

by  |  earlier

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The screen is broken. It is white with a black mark. It happened to my phone too. It still works but you cant see anything. I dont want to tell my mom because I know she will FREAK. Here is the camera.... cameras&page=1

but it's silver. and what should i do???




  1. Go back to target or wherever u got it and ask them if they can repair it

    LAST CHOICE: if all fails, go buy the EXACT same camera and pretend the its the camera u've always had

    Good Luck : Hope u get it fixed  

  2. You have two options, send it in to have the screen replaced by an authorized Kodak repair center, or buy a new one (sadly, there may not be much difference in price between these two options).

  3. OmG!!!!!!!!! UR ALL BY UR SELF NOW BUT TELL UR Mom Cuz  U didnt Break it did u??????/ Well if  u didnt or did still telll kKK

  4. if you have the money try and fix it, if you its not fixable, then once again if you have the money then buy another one  

  5. omg i broke my cameras so many times my mom didnt freak.

    but ur mom might be different.

    u can take it 2 a camera shop and see if they can fix it

    but it sounds like it cant

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