
My dishes smell?

by  |  earlier

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After I take my dishes out of the dishwasher they smell like fish. I think its the water. Has it happened to you? Any ideas?




  1. You can add baking soda to your soap, try an in-line water filter, or try washing the dishes by hand (to see if the smell is from the water or the dishwasher).

  2. You may need to wash your dishwasher. Try Dishwasher Magic and run the machine without dishes in it.

  3. try running a complete cycle with white vinegar through the dishwasher-cleans it up every time...also check the filter on the bottl of the dishwasher-there may be something down there(gunk, old fork, etc) keeping it blocked-good luck!

  4. try washing out your washer with vinger or spray clorex clean up on your dishes just before running the washer, it will take all bad smells away..good luck..

  5. There is a likely a basic filtration system in your dishwasher.  It may be clogged.  Check the bottom of the dishwasher for food particles that will not pass out of the system.  If it's the water, you may need a good central water filtration system.

  6. add vinegar and baking soda to the cleanser also some fresh lemon juice....that will neutralize the odors and get them clean.  Also wash them by hand until the problem is fixed with your dishwasher....probably needs a deep cleaning....sounds like there is some rotten food stuck somewhere inside.

  7. yes dump the dishwasher they are hopless wash  your dishes etc them in the sink its far better by hand than machinery, its okay when they go right but not when they dont go right, my hands are the dishwasher, they are a waste of money , just think how much electric you use and how much money spent on the dishwasher tablets costs by the end of the year,it isnt cheap when you could boil a couple of kettles and i big bottle of anti bacterial washing liquid that would of been better and cheaper.

  8. I have the same problem with my dishwasher, a fairly new Kitchen Aid. What works is to run it on "normal" wash plus sani-rinse... or to wash on "super wash." The regular cycle just doesn't get the dishes clean. You have to do the extra hot or extra long wash.
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