
My disk /dvd player draw dont work i want to start to down load windows but nothing happens?

by  |  earlier

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ive 2 draws on my computer bottom one is write master and the top draw is disk /dvd multi and as my computer is playing up i thought ide put the windows xp back in and load it but nothing is happening i can hear it revving to go but nothing is down loading what can be wrong does it mean its broken and is expensive to get a new one I'm in the uk thanks




  1. it could be a "driver "problem.

    go on line and check you have the driver installed.

    have you taken vista off?to put xp back.

    you may still have some vista programs on.

    best i can offer with the info you have given.

    if all else fails re load your original program from re-boot disc.

    then see if you get any improvement.

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