
My dobie is depressed and doesn't want to eat or drink?

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I have a 2 1/2 year old Dobie who was spayed 4 days ago. We were told by our vet that she was about to go into heat and to watch her because her hormones, obviously, were going to crash. Just like he said she's become depressed and eats and drinks very, very little. The only way I can get her drink water is to cup it in my hand and she just sort of picks and licks the wet food I put in her bowl. Even worse is she's peeing on the floor, which she's NEVER done. I called our vet yesterday and he said to check her gums and they're still pink. He said that she's probably depressed, she's had a couple of litters of pups and then with being spayed she's probably going through a hormonal depression and she'll eventually snap out of it. Except it's been 4 days with no change, actually I think it might be getting worse. I know I need to walk her but I was told to wait 5 days. I'm worried and need advice!




  1. It's going to take at least 3 or 4 days for her to start feeling kind of normal after having surgery. If you walk her on a leash, don't let her jump or run around, she'll be fine.. Make her up some rice and boneless chicken breast.. Give her some yogurt to keep something in her stomach. She'll be fine.

  2. I'd wait at least a week before worring. If it still goes on, take her to the vet. Just watch her very close until then

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