
My doctor said im having issues with my cervix. what could that mean?

by  |  earlier

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Im 8 wks preggo and the doctor said the baby was fine but I'm a little short on my cervix and i have an appt to "discuss my options". I'm nervous. Has this happened to anyone? What options?

I'm really nervous.




  1. My friend is pregnant and her doctor told her that she has a short cervix. She then told her not to have s*x. My friend is stupid, and still has s*x anyway, which could mean horrible things for the baby.

    It depends on what the issue with the cervix is. It could be minor (well, not minor, but not super serious) or it could be a major problem and they may put you on bed rest later in your pregnancy. It just depends on what the doctor tells you.

  2. I have the same problem.. Good thing you got it detected early... I had a cervial Cerclage- this is where they have a small procedure to tie your cervix- usually they do it in the 14 weeks and they take out the stitches out on your first week of the 9th months. It is a little umcofortable at first- but you will require moderate bed rest- depends on your body... I am 8 months along now and I had the procedure done. Relax you have several options, the doctor will run through them to see what best fits your body. For now, take it easy and relax... No streneous exercise or anything of that sort! Good Luck.. oh yes, if the dr. decides to get you a cerclage- then kiss s*x goodbye for the whole pregnancy period...

  3. You may have a weak cervix. You probably should have asked him to clarify this while you were there.

  4. Im not really sure sorry I didnt want ot read and run tho, Good luck at your appt :)

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