
My doctor said my sugar was high? can you all tell me more about this? I have to go take a 3 hour test now?

by  |  earlier

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and what if that test comes back high too? I'm 35 weeks preg...i'm worried :(




  1. I had to take the same test. Try not to stress about it yet. I know it's easier said then done, but honestly it does not help the situation for you to get worked up. My doctor gave me a ADA diet to follow for 7 to 10 days before I took the test. (I.E.)


    1 egg

    1 cup of unsweetened cereal

    1 slice of toast

    1 glass of milk

    1 cup of fruit or 1 glass of fruit juice

    1 tbs of margarine


    2 slices of bread

    3 oz. of lunch meat

    15 - 20 baked chips

    1 cup of fruit or 1 glass of fruit juice


    3 oz. of grilled chicken

    1 roll or type of carbohydrate

    1 tbs of margarine

    1 cup of vegetable

    1 cup of fruit

    1 glass of milk

    small baked potato

    I followed this kind of diet for 7 days and everything came back normal. I have continued to follow it because I have maintained a weight that I like while the baby is getting everything it needs. It's really the best of both worlds. I hope this helps and do not worry everything will be okay. You should also do a little research about gestational debits. It never hurts to be prepared for the worst.

    Good luck with everything and just try to relax!

  2. Sounds like your glucose test or something along the lines of that. You are okay...just relax.  They are going to do more tests to see what the problem is and if your sugar is actually really high.  Sometimes the tests are wrong.  They will help you take care if everything if the test does come back positve. Pretty sure you just have to watch what you eat. Means you could have diabetes.  But goes away after you have the baby. Just gotta watch what you eat. You will be fine! They are there to help you not scare you :)

  3. I believe thats a glucose test.  You need to speak to your doctor about your questions regarding this as they know more.  A lot of women get diabetes in pregnancy that goes after the baby is born.  This is what this test will determine.  

  4. I think they worry about gestational diabetes...The test I think you have to drink one of those drinks they give you every hour.

  5. Change from dangerous mood, to caution mode. <}:-{(

  6. go to blood sugar in the search, and read all about it..

  7. i had the exact same thing happen to me, i have heard that those tests are really sensitive.  I had the 3 hr test done as well, it sucks let me tell ya, but mine came back fine, try not to worry or stress out. make sure you dont eat or drink anything sweet at least for the day before the test, that will help. if it comes back high again, they will most likely send you to a dietitian and get you on a certain diet.  good luck!!

  8. omg...  they suck honestly i did that techincally you will eb about 4 hrs total.. you go they give you the first drink you have to drink in ten minutes then they wait an hr from there draw blood  which should give them a high reading because of the drink... then they pull u back again a hr from the first test and draw blood again by then it should of dropped some from the first readin then they pull you back the third time and draw blood again  at this point again it should be even lower then the first two.. this shows the  doctor how  your body breaks down it down normally... If it does not then you can be type 2 which is where your body makes too much insilin meaning everything you eat n drink turns to sugar and your body  isnt breaking it down  engough which  i am on metformin....  

  9. he's probably sending you for the gestational diabetes test. I did it myself this week..though mine was only 2hrs. You'll have to fast for roughly 8hrs beforehand, go in, they'll take your blood, give you a really gross orange pop to drink, and then take some blood every hour for the length of the your case, 3hrs. You may feel dizzy, nauseous, etc, and you are supposed to tell them if you feel these things.

    I got sent in because my doctor considers me to be gaining too much weight, he's lousy and I have little faith in him, but its too late for me to change doctors.

    If it comes back positive, they'll try to get you to change your diet. you may be sent to a nutritionist, and you'll have a special diet for the rest of your pregnancy, its not a big issue. it doesn't really affect you or your baby's health most of the time, it just means that if you have gestational diabetes, the baby may be born overweight.

  10. I had the 1 hour test and my sugar was high...had the 3 hour test and still high.  I have been diagnosed with gestational diabetes.  I have to go in to a clinic.  I so far have to control it with diet and exercise.  Mine was diagnosed at 26 weeks, so they had time to control it.  At 35 weeks, by the time they get you into the Dr, you will be ready to deliver.  You may have just had something to eat just before the test that caused the sugar to be high.  The 3 hour one you have to fast before.  Don't worry yourself...good luck!!

  11. If it comes back high again, they'll send you to a dietitian to set up a menu plan to keep your sugar & carb intake down.

    High blood sugar during pregnancy is also called gestational diabetes - a (normally) temporary form of diabetes that pregnant women develop due to pregnancy and the way they process blood sugar and make/use insulin. Generally speaking if you eat right and exercise, you have nothing really to worry overly about.

    It normally disappears after giving birth, but they might do a check 3 months after the birth to make sure that it has disappeared.

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