
My doctor wants me to gain weight within the next 4 weeks is that really healthy and yes i am 4 months preggo?

by  |  earlier

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but they said to gain lots of weight. And they are making me change eating habits too. i have to eat breakfast everyday now and add more protein, more fluid, and less sugar. Any one else on this diet too?




  1. It really is important to gain weight and eat exactly what you need to be, so that your baby will grow and be healthy! That should be your top priority right now. If you are worried about gaining to much don't be. You can always work it off if you are commited after you have your baby!

  2. Umm, that sounds the usual diet for any pregnant woman.

  3. Of course!!! You should gain 25-35 pounds while you're pregnant.

    Your baby needs the extra nutrients! You should definitely eat more, especially protein and calcium. Breakfast is very important too.

    My doctor keeps telling me to add more fluid also.

    If you're not eating sugar, it's healthy weight and VERY necessary. You'll be able to lose it after the baby is born if you eat right.

  4. yes it is healthy because if you don't have enough weight to support the baby, you could have a miscarriage. you need to gain extra weight to support your baby. and no i'm not on this diet because i'm not preggo lol.  

  5. It could be that he/she feels you are not getting enough calories per day to sustain yourself as well as fuel your developing baby.  It is also possible that they want to ensure you are also getting the right kind of calories.

  6. If you are doubting your doctor's advice, seek a second opinion. It can be another doctor from the same office, or you can find one from a different clinic. But make sure they are specializied in obsetrics and that they know you are pregnant.

    Most likely,your doctor is just doing what he thinks is best for you and your baby, but you always have the right for a second opinion.

  7. That's very normal pregnancy diet..

    Eat good !

    Good luck and congrats on your pregnancy !

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