
My doctor wont refer my son?

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My son has a very tight f******n on his willy which makes go banana like shape.

He has had numerous infections 2 a month and at the age of 5 he has had enough.

My doctor say to persivere wait a couple of years but I want him to have a circumsion sooner rather than later.

Can I get a private referal or do you think I should wait




  1. Try and persuade him (the doc) that 'waiting and seeing' is not a good idea as your son is frequently in pain and on medication. You could go private, or you could change doctors.

  2. You should see a urologist.

    Is the hole on the tip of his p***s in the wrong place? If he pulls his skin back when he pees and keeps the area clean that should help reduce infections. If the hole is in the bottom then he is more likely to have problems.

    Does it retract all the way yet? Sometimes if it is starting to disconnect a bit you can get infections easily.  Have him tell you if it starts to get red or irritated and put some antiobiotic cream on it and it will help tremendously.

    If it doesn't retract then the doctor may be suggesting you wait because the problem could resolve itself when the skin is 100% retractable.

    Definitely see a urologist. Good luck.

  3. get a second opinion

    or get a jewish rabbi to do the job

  4. I agree with streaker get another opion!


    I hope he get's better!

  5. You should tell your doctor that while you respect his opinion and are grateful for his concern over the cosmetic side, you would like to see a specialist.  A specialist will be able to answer your questions better than a regular GP.  

    IMO, if a GP refuses to give a referral for a second opinion, then he is to arrogant for my family to see him.  

    And it looks like someone was having a little to much fun with the "thumps down."

  6. Get it done ASAP.  If he won't give you a referral, get a new primary care physician, one who will .  If it were HIS willy, he would take care of it immediately.  This Dr. has a lot of nerve.

  7. Go to another doctor...I think the sooner the better

  8. So ask for a second oppinion - or just ask for a referral and see wht the specialist thinks at the hosp.

  9. go to a different doctor. That much antibiotics are not good. Sounds like your doc is against circumsision

  10. It took 3 doctors before my son was referred and when the surgeon looked at him his reaction was 'he most definitely needs it done'. See another doctor don't accept it, my son was getting infections all the time, he was 8 when he had it done and he was only sore for a couple of days, by the way he's 20 now!

    Sod the cosmetic side of it, my son was called a 'jew' at school but it didn't bother him at all. Having too many antibiotics is not good. His body will eventually become immune to the effects of them and they will no longer have any effect on him.

  11. Go to another dr. and get him/her to refer him to a urologist.

  12. if your son is in discomfort and its causing problems then I would ask to see another doctor in the practise for a second opinion or get a private referal. Waiting seems pointless if the condition gets worse.  Good Luck

  13. There is no harm in paying for a private referal or second opinion on the NHS.  My father's GP told him nothing was wrong with him for months on end - he went for a private referral and was rushed to hospital with a DVT and spent two weeks in there!  Follow your instinct - if you are not happy, go private.

  14. that is why it is best to do it right after birth... but you need now to find another Dr. who will do it... I do not know the exact rules.. but I know the Jews do it without a Dr. and it is legal if the Rabbi is licenced... you migh check with a local Jewish synagoge... at 5ys he would probably have to be given a sedative atleast... but I have seen grown men gow through it with out any pain meds... it is very quick if done correctly... I say seek a Dr who will do it now....

  15. Don't wait, would you want to go through this operation at 10 years old?

  16. get a second opinion

    someone I know left it on the doctors advice and now , as an adult, it needs far more serious surgery.

  17. I would go and get a second opinion. If you and your doctor disagree, then it is not against any moral code to ask another doctor their opinion. I am sure your child has suffered some large levels of discomfort, so I would not wait; go seek a second opinion.

  18. much as my husband will kill me for puttin his private life on here, i think it kinda goes into with ur question. my mother in law told me my husband had this prob when he was younger they were gonna get him circumsised, but they didnt why i dont know. any way he still suffers from it now and it gets really bad he gets infections that make the f******n swell and suffocates the mane part of his well u no. he cant have s*x wen it swells as he sez it causes him excruciatin pain and i can understand what he means as wen i saw it for the first time it looked so swollen and so painful. my husband feels too embarrassed to go to the docs i have managed to get him to go once they gave him sum tablets n sed if it duznt clear we'll have to circumsize u. as u can imagine it didnt clear and u have more chance of h**l freezing over than him goin back to the doctors. it happens quite often once or twice a month lasts for a week ish and like i say is painful and embarrassing. i would say if you think that its that much of a problem i would go and either get a new gp or second opinion. or go private, u can do n e thing private, perhaps fone bupa if they dont do it they will tell u who will, and they can tell u costs too. i hope u manage to get it sorted as i know from watching my husband what it causes, and my husband is only 26!

  19. It'll hurt like h**l for about two weeks now, if you wait 'till teen/adult years - it'll mean 5 -7 days in the hospital.

    Have friends who've done it both ways, those are the facts.

  20. I would get a second opinion. Infections and pain are not good for him.

  21. go to another doctor, preferably a specialist. If his f******n remains tight and is unable to stretch, he will have to be circumcised. You can however (on the doctor's permission) encourage him to try to stretch it as much as he can by gently pushing back and forth the f******n, in the hope that it will stretch itself so that the problem can be resolved without surgical intervention.

  22. Your doctor is right , stretching twice a day , should be practised first along with good hygiene , the trauma of the procedure is a final resort

  23. I agree with Streaker - seek a second opinion if you are not happy with your doctors decision.

  24. A 5 year old having 2 infections a months is way too much...see another dr at your surgery or take him to casualty next time he has an infection and go from there. There is a risk of kidney damage if he's getting regular infection and thats just not worth it.

    Good Luck

  25. You know, I would press on..find another Dr. I really think that moms have a keen sense of when something is a bit "off " with their child.

    If you feel like something is wrong, than keep going until you get some answers that you are comfortable with.

    I went through the same thing, with my daughter, regarding a spinal issue. I am SO GLAD I did..I ventured out on my own, without the support of the Dr. and it was the best choice I made.

    She has had one surgery now, which was a huge success and still has one left to go. Keep on, keeping on..until you are comfortable with the Dr. and the issue at hand.

  26. i have had this,have only just got the referral we need and he is now 8 i got lots of tips from a website i found e-mail me and i will tell you about it

  27. wellllllllllllll

    in canada that would be free but if u live in the states of amrica go rite now and bust some caps up in ur docters *** and get ur kids willy 2 be circumsized beacuse jews get it when there 14 in  front of people so ya

  28. You need to get a second opinion. He shouldn't have to be on meds all the time. That can't be healthy.

  29. Get another opinion from another Dr...look into specialtists in the field.

  30. Don't listen to your doctor. He's pretty awful if he's telling you not to get your son circumcised when he needs it (most children don't, but your son seems to).

    P.S. It's called a p***s, by the way.

  31. ouch.. as a mom i feel it should be down now while he is still young and is not quite sure what is happening.  good luck with your decision

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