
My dog's leg .... help!!!?

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Ok so my mom just called me and told me that she has been calling my dog to like pet it and she said that he wont get up and that he sort of limps as if he couldn't feel/move his leg. Does anyone know what could of happened? please help and just answer if you know of think of something that might of happened. Oh and i was thinking, is it possible his leg fell asleep... oh and we were thinking maybe he hurt his leg since he's really hyper.. he is also very calm and isn't getting up? that's very unusual of him..




  1. How old is your dog?  It could be arthritis kicking in.  My cat started limping a few weeks ago, and it ended up being arthritis.  If your dog keeps up with the limping take him to the vet.  He could have a sprain or bruised it.  They will have to take an x-ray.  Check out his paw for any scratches or slivers.  Good luck & I hope he feels better soon!

  2. This dog needs to get to a vet ASAP.

    Here's why

    1.  You have a dog that can't move its leg.  I assume it's been at least 15 minutes since your mother noticed this.

    2.  You dog is lethargic.

    3.  Your dog will not get up.

    These are all signs of something pretty serious and he likely needs to be brought in immediately.  Call your vet or an emergency vet and see what they say.  

    "Does anyone know what could of happened?"

    He could have broken his leg

    He could have had a stroke

    He could have broken his hip/shoulder/breastbone

    He could have been poisoned

    He could have hurt his back

    He could have a blood clot

    He could have a brain tumor

    He could have a head/brain injury

    He could have had a harmful seizure





  3. He could have slipped a disc while playing so now the leg don't work.

    He could have fallen off the couch and twisted a mussel.

    He could have landed wrong while jumping.

    If he is very calm and this is not normal its because pain can do that to you.

    How many more "might have happens do you need before you get this dog to a vet? Tilks Mom

  4. Dog's legs will fall asleep just like people do.  Keep a very close eye on him for the next 1/2 hour or so.  If he still will not get up, then a trip to the vet is in order to have him thoroughly checked out.

  5. His leg could just be asleep, especially if he was lying somewhere for a long period of time and then went to get up.. when my dogs leg is asleep I'll notice him kicking it backwards like a horse..

    It could also be that he has actually done something to injury himself and if the limping doesn't stop in about 10min due to a sleepy foot that's probably what you're looking at. He may have just gotten something like a sliver in the bottom or a small cut. If he'll let you, lie him down and have a good look at the bottom of his foot including between his toes.

    If he's stops walking on that leg all together then you may have gotten yourself into something like a cruciate ligament issue (if its a back leg) or a broken bone. Broken bones are usually pretty easy to see because the leg will be floppy and he will have no control over it... cruciates are harder to recognize but are generally seen as the hind leg will being held up completely. Some dogs after a good amount of rest will begin limping on the leg again, but after more exercise or a good walk you'll notice they are favoring it again.

    If it's not asleep I suggest taking him to your vet to have it checked out!!

  6. Ok, I have 3 different possibilities for you. (1)My dog has done this before too. If your dog was laying down for a while, then yes - it is possible that his leg fell asleep. (2)I think that dogs also might get leg cramps. (3)And lastly, since your dog IS active, he could've hurt himself while running. I would still take him to the vet though, just in case.

  7. ok for now put a blanket on it and thake it to the vet but i think it must have hurt it somehow!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

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