
My dog ate 2, large, ribs. What should I do?

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She is a 170 pound Saint Bernard. The ribs came from a Chinese restaurant. Will she be ok? I know some people in my house who don't want to take her to the vet because they think she will be fine.

So what are the symptoms? And should I be worried? And if you say I should take her to the vet, how could I persuade my family members to take her?




  1. my dog ate soap once. she also eats ribs all the time so I think you're okay! ;)

  2. You have to watch her bowel movements, ribs can be painful for doggies to "pass" and may become stuck, if she doesn't p**p em out then seek vet help.

  3. my newf did this before, she didnt have any problems,if she was choking or weezing for air, then id definatly say get her to a vet, now that its down, she will digest it and have a bowel movement

  4. she will be fine. We give our dog ribs all the time.

    he even drank beer daily.

    The dog lived till 18 with no problems and died a peaceful death.

  5. Dogs are genetically built to eat raw meat and bones.  Do you think in the wild they eat dog food or grains (a common ingredient in dog food that actually causes most dog's allergies, hair loss and other problems)?  No, they kill and eat animals raw.  Feeding a dog ribs is more than likely much healthier than the dog food it usually eats.  I feed my dog raw meat almost every day and she is healthy and happy as can be.  I would actually highly suggest feeding your dog meat more often.

    Edit: Cooked bones can be bad news as they are more likely to splinter and cause problems, however this is usually with chicken bones or other flimsy bones, not thick rib bones.

  6. dont wast your money at the vet, the dog will be fine, i had a boxer that ate a hole corn cob, it came out just fine.

  7. Have your family take the dog to the vet.

    When purchasing a dog you take all responsibility for it. Just like if it were another child in your family. It's their job in other words to make sure that dog is safe. You shouldn't need to persuade them.

  8. The bones, whole?

    It might be a good idea to take the dog to a vet, maybe the emergency vet.  Call a vet and ask them.

    Cooked bones can be sharp and pointy, and cause damage.

  9. alright im not a vet or anything; but id advise you to consult your vet. i have a miniature poodle and he ate a chicken bone once. well to make a long story short it got stuck in his "rear end" and cut him up inside. i had no clue until i saw he was having trouble going to the bathroom. there was some blood and the bone was stuck. i know its gross but we had to take him to the vet to have it "surgically removed" hope this helps you. we always keep the trash up where the dogs cant get it after that situation i felt so bad for him. if you feel that you have to take the dog to the vet, and you are not comfortable not taking her i would simply tell your family that it could literally cut up the dogs insides causing internal bleeding. i mean just imagine if you ate a bone having that go threw your digestive system and out... it has to be awfully painful.  good luck with everything.  

  10. Take her to the vet!  Now!  The rib bones could tear through her stomach, causing her death.  That's how Alan Alda's dog died when he was a child.



  12. All of my cats and dogs have eaten chicken bones, and ribs on a regular basis. Unless he starts to have an alergic reaction it will be fine!

    ADD: My dogs are small pomeranain(LOVED BONES, but now has passed away) and a sheltie, who eats them all the time. Along with my cats, and kittens. Your dog, (a very large dog) should be perfectly fine.

  13. ok as stupid as it sounds my moms dog eats a chicken legs bone and all with sardines for every meal so some ribs wont hurt that dog

  14. If you see her outside trying to take a c**p and having some trouble, you should probably take her to the vet.  I stopped feeding my Heeler anything with bones because some tend to splinter and she likes to swallow them whole and often had the problem I stated above.  She made it through without the vet every time, though, so your Bernie should be fine.  Just watch to make sure she gets the bone out safely.

  15. she will be just fine. it is fine for dogs to eat meat. and they chew on bones regularlly. the bonmes arent the best for dogs to eat so it shouldnt affect them. but if its like gasping for air or it doesnt want to eat i would suggest taking it to the vet. and if u need a way to persuade them tell them that the dog is in a lot of pain. and explain wat is happening. i hope i helped. i adore dogs and i luv them. i also no alot about them.  

  16. When I went to the vet 4 my 2nd dog Dash, the vet chart had no mention of ribs but just to be on the safe side take her but be warned ur dog will get addicted to human food so break the habbit now before annoying barking comes, I should know my first dog Chase is addicted but he is fine. But Chicken bones WATCH OUT make sure she isin't coughing daily get her checked out if she ate the bone don't be worried or ur emotions will go to the dog and she really gets sick

  17. did she eat the bones?

    if she didnt she should be fine

  18. she will be just fine, just keep an eye on her just in case a bone gets stuck.

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