I had thrown away the remains of KFC lunch from a few days ago. All that was left was one leg. I sat the bag of trash outside besides my husbands truck, so that I could take it to the trashcan this morning. However, I let my dog go outside this morning, completely forgetting that the bag of trash was sitting there. I heard some crunching, looked outside, and saw the trash scattered everywhere. And she was chewing on something crunchy. While picking it all up, I realized that she had eaten the chicken leg, bone and all.
She's a big dog (over 60 pounds) and has ate small animals before, and been fine. She actually ate what looked like a rabbit last week (she puked up some hair and a bone).
I gave her some bread like I read on the internet. I'm guessing there's nothing else I can do? Since it was only one bone, do you think she would be fine. I'm sure she's ate worse since she's a country dog, and pretty much goes where she pleases.
And suggestions or advice would be appreciated.