
My dog ate gum with xylitol in it- HELP!?

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Okay, I am COMPLETELY freaking out. I have a 12 pound dog. A few minutes ago, I found out that he chewed/ate about 3 or 4 sticks of Stride gum. I looked online, and an ingredient in the gum, xylitol, it toxic to dogs. It's the fifth ingredient in the gum, so I'm assuming there isn't a huge amount of it in the gum. I'm not sure if he ate it earlier in the day, or just a few minutes ago. He hasn't shown any symptoms so far. Should I be worried? I don't want to rush to the vet unless it's necessary ($ is an issue). Should I just wait and see if he starts showing symptoms, or go now??




  1. Yes, be worried!  Call your vet right away!

  2. well, if you are completely freaked out then you have no choice, do you. Trust your gut feeling.

  3. Vet now!

    Xylitol is very toxic to dogs, even small doses cause problems!  It affects your dogs insulin production and can kill your dog quickly.  Waiting for symptoms may be too late!

  4. VET NOW!

  5. Unless the dogs develops a symptoms due to swallowing the gum, don't bother the Vet.   Not all animals are effected.

  6. YES you are right. Xylitol is very toxic to animals! Expecially a dog your size is. Please go to your local emergency vet. More and more cases are being seen with this. Ill pray for your baby. Good luck!

    PS i know money is an issue but you can try applying for care credit. Also they will charge you just for walking in the door most places. My place is $75 just to walk in a talk to the doc.

  7. You should at least call the vet and you won't have to pay him anything unless something is wrong

  8. it's ok, but i still think you should bring your dog to the vet (no matter what, don't wait till the last minute because it might be to late)

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