
My dog ate my fire bellied toad!!!?

by  |  earlier

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My son let one of my toads loose and the dog got to it before I could stop it ( it was almost 3am, my son is four and broke the lock to "play" with the frog) The 20 pound dog had a really bad reaction to the toxins in the toad and swelled up like a balloon. I gave her a crushed up benadryl and she seems fine but should I worry about any long term effects? and how do you better secure a lid on a tank? any ideas? Thanks and please don't be mean...i really loved my frog but he is gone and now I need to focus on the dog.




  1. You should really take your dog to the vet asap.  although he looks fine for now, he cold possibly get worse later.  

    For your tank, you should go to your local pet store and ask them whether they have a tank w/ any locks on them.  ones that have keys, so you can leave them out of reach from your son.

  2. get it to the f******g vet NOW!!!!!

  3. I dont know anything about frogs but you should most definately take the dog to the vet first thing in the morning, I think your dog will be ok for a few more hours if it seems alright now. As far as securing a lid on a tank, you'd have to go to the pet store and ask them. They can give you something to use.

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