
My dog ate plastic please help?

by Guest61420  |  earlier

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Its 12:30 at night so the vet is probably not open -.- well anyone my dog grabbed a bottle cap and she swallowed it she didn't choke so it went down I'm guessing.Shes acting sad after she ate it.Is she gonna be ok or do I have to take her to the vet?




  1. She's probably fine. Take her temp now and again in the morning, and if they are the same, check her stool to see if it appears. If she starts to act wrong, runs a temp or like she is in any pain, get her right in. Otherwise, just monitor her closely.

    It is amazing what they will eat. Pick up *everything*! It is like having a baby in the house.

    Good luck!

  2. she probably felt sad because it didnt feel good when she swalloed it. but if she gets worse take her to the vet. but other than tht she should be fine

  3. i'll bet she'll be fine.  dogs eat weird stuff all the time we aren't even aware of i'll bet.  you can train your dog to ask for permission before it eats anything.  

  4. if it truly just happened- give her a tablespoon full of hydrogen peroxide- it will make her vomit the contents of her stomach

  5. hmm idk but ive heard it gets trapped in there intestine.

  6. When your dog goes to the bathroom, make sure it comes out.  Yes, that may mean you will have to look for it in there.  If the cap comes out, you do not need to worry.  If you don't see the cap or the dog can not p**p, take her to the vet immediately

  7. Over the next 24 hrs, you need to watch for it to pass.  If you don't see it, then its time for emergency surgery to get it removed!

    Call the vet first thing in the morning and see what they recommend.  

    You can also see if the vet has an emergency number listed in the phone book!

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