
My dog ate some raw chicken will it harm him?

by  |  earlier

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there was a breast of chicken defrosting on the counter(we do this all the time and he has never eaten it before), I went to the shop and when i got back i found he had jumped up and eaten it all, I'm pretty sure it was fully defrosted at the time, but it might not of been. will he be okay? I'm worried about him!




  1. Raw is the closest you will get to a dogs natural diet. He will be fine.

  2. Raw meat is actually better for dogs than cooked meat.

    The reason is because their systems are made to digest raw meat. They're intestines are much shorter than ours so the meat doesn't stay in their intestines long enough to cause sickness like it would in a humans intestines.

  3. i raw feed my dogs so raw food is fine:) sometimes i give it frozen on a hot day. just do not feed any dry dog food for 12 hrs.

  4. Perfectly fine. Raw meat is good for dogs. (Cooking destroys some of the nutrients, so raw meat is actually better for dogs than cooked meat. And dogs digestive systems are different than humans, so they handle bacteria on raw meat just fine.) It doesn't matter if it was defrosted or partially frozen, it's fine either way.


  5. He should be just fine

  6. Actually, that's good for him.  I feed my dogs raw chicken all the time -- they're on a raw diet.  Even chicken bones are OK as long as they are RAW.

    Don't feed him until his next meal.  Because grains (like kibble) take longer to digest, feeding meat at the same time causes it to digest at a slower rate, leaving the bacteria in his stomach longer.  (He probably still should be fine; that's just being on the safe side.)

  7. what kind of dog do you have

    my advise is to go to a vet  

  8. He will be fine I feed our dogs raw chicken all the time.  On some websites they urge you to serve raw meals to you dogs and claim that it is better than the dry food.  You should see some of the stuff they put in the dry food, it is nasty.  It is okay, go online and search raw diet for dogs.

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