
My dog bit my daughter?

by  |  earlier

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my boxer is 2yrs old, recently he has been peeing in my oldest daughters bed and she would show it too him but tonight he got out of control and attacked her, i took her to the hospital and she didn't need stitches but her arm is tore up really bad. me and my children love him very very much and don't want to get rid of him, but i have very small children and i don't want him doing it again...does anyone know the reason why he would just go after her like that. he isn't neutered. how can i get him to stop snapping and growling and most of all biting people or prevent him from doing this again?




  1. unfortunately this sounds pretty dangerous. If it happened in my family the dog would get booted. If you insist on keeping him get him a muzzle and get him a thourough veternarian work up. Put your childrens safety first.  

  2. In ALL seriousness call Cesar Milan (Dog Whisperer) if you are planning on keeping him... I Personally Wouldn't have a Dog that attaked one of my children.

  3. well you might have to put it down because next time it could be worse but also try to take him to a dog trainer

  4. Put him down. :( he will only keep doing it. Its to do with how his been brought up.

  5. Maybe you should take your children into consideration instead of a dog

  6. Well my first reaction wouldn't be to "put him down" I would call around for people whose job is to help pets behave and understand that what he is doing is not the way he should be behaving; and not do what you are experiencing if that doesn't help then I would put him up for adoption and maybe another family (without children) could raise him better. I hope you get him to settle down!

  7. You cannot keep this dog with your children.  He has proved himself to be a danger to you and your family and you must rehome him.  How are you going to feel when he does it again, and one of your children is seriously injured?  

    Do what's best for everyone and try to rehome him.  

  8. You cant risk that kind of behaviour around your kids i know its hard but you'll have to get him removed from your house...PS r u sure your daughter didn't tease him and wind him up ?

  9. You are a good person to want to find a solution to help you and your family coexist with your dog.

    Neutering would certainly help with the urination. My puppy had a similar problem and once he was "fixed", his accidents stopped. A dog that has not been neutered, of that age, that has not been through training, will develop these behavior problems.

    ~I am very sorry for your home, and hope that everything turns out okay for you.

  10. Sorry but that dog would no longer be in my home. I do not care if its a chihuahua or a boxer, they will not stay if they bite my kids

  11. Sorry about your daughter's injury.  This is a hard one!!!  I'm sure you love you dog, and of course you love your kids....what to do?  I hate to ask, but why didn't you neuter him as a puppy?  Neutering could have helped, I'm not so sure now though since he is already 2 years old.  It sounds to me like the dog is jealous of the child or children!!!  Usually when a pet urinates on a bed, they are upset about something.  I would first consult a good trainer before doing anything-ASK YOUR VET, THEY CAN GIVE YOU A RECOMMENDATION.  In the meantime, I wouldn't leave him alone with any of your kids.  See what a trainer has to say first, and even ask your vet what they think about the situation.  It's not always the right decision to put your pet to sleep right away.  I WISH YOU THE BEST OF LUCK!!  

  12. Well he cant really be trusted around small children,

    but my (female) terrier was SO aggressive we were told to have her put down ..

    got her spayed and now shes a lovely sweet natured little thing.

    Sorry and good luck x  

  13. Your dog is in distress you need to get help from an experienced dog trainer. This situation can be helped!  You do not have to put you dog down. Also you can go to the "Dog Whisperer" website and ask a question there.

      Cesar Millan can help you, I promise.

  14. First, neuter him.  His hormones are raging at his age and they are making him naturally want to assert dominance, establish pack rank, and be territorial.  Second, his behavior demonstrates that he is not submissive to people and considers himself alpha.  Without good obedience training, he is only going to get worse.  Proper training will help him establish respect for people and help him understand his place in your family - his place as a calm, submissive member of the family.

    Testosterone = aggression & dominance

    Get him neutered a.s.a.p.  This will also reduce his chance of developing certain types of cancer later in life.  

    Good luck.


    I read your addition to your original post.  The fact that you cannot discipline your children because of him is another bad sign that he is controlling your behavior rather than him being the one that is controlled.  That's not a good sign at all for you, or him.  Good for you for making plans for neutering and training.  I hope all goes well.

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