
My dog chewed off the end of a coaxial cable tv cord. will it still give me cable tv somehow?

by  |  earlier

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there is copper wire hanging out. enough to stick into the cable tv input on my tv. but the channels dont come in. should the cord still work or do i need a new one that has the regular end a cable cord has?




  1. just buy a new end and put it on the cable the are sold at lowes for $1.00

  2. no it will not work. just order one offline for cheap, or go to the store and get one. a cheap sight is

  3. Take the big cord in the middle and put it in the middle of the input, and take all the loose wires and put them on the outer edge of the input.

  4. do you have a few bucks to buy another one?  or you could post an ad on freecycle or craigslist seeing if anyone has one lying around, because I have plenty.  with all I have seen in my life I find it hard to believe that they are that uncommon or expensive.

  5. just buy a new end and put it on the cable

  6. dude do  not care abour ur DOG!?!

    so ur tellin me u rather watch tv then care for ur dog...:(

    and for the answer-just get a new cable

  7. you can buy a coaxial end at a store, like target, k mart, etc.  i had the same problem.  it just slides over the wire and you use pliers to clamp it down.  it should work.  but after i did that, my dog chewed along the whole wire, so the reception wasnt as good, in that case you need to get a new cable.  hope that helps.

  8. you will need a new one

    even if it did work its picture would be poor

    they are very cheap and you can find them annywhere there

    is tv stuff

  9. I would be more worried about your dog.

  10. Buy a new cable or get one from the cable company.

    Pay more attention to your dog.  Pet your dog and feed your dog.  Your dog is either trying to get your attention or it is hungry because it is young, growing and needs food.

  11. your dog will be fine..i'm sure it'll pass right isnt something that'll hurt him..but your cord will possibly still can attach a new plug on the end and try thatand possibly cut down the end he was chewing on a bit

  12. dont pay for a new one, call the cable company and tell them that you have a broken rg-6  connector and its causing a signal leak,  they will send you a new jumper for free.

  13. Just replace the connector. And make sure the dog didn't eat the tip! If he did, get him to the vet.

  14. Replace the cable.  They're cheap.

  15. You need a new cable end.......or you could just plug in dogs tail and sit him on window ledge.

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