
My dog disappeared right in front of my eyes. HOW?

by  |  earlier

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and once a saw him in a superman suit beating up the iphone.




  1. It's the chronic bro..quit using so much and your dog will re-appear!!

  2. Did it get beamed up by the Asgaard?

  3. what? you must not have been watching him good enough then. Hope u find him.

  4. You're blind.

    Or named him "Vanish".

  5. Obviously a phantom dog....of your imagination?

  6. What?

  7. Either your dog is a magician and can magically disappear, or there are details to your question that have been left out.......

  8. Maybe Criss Angel was at your house

  9. Elvis Presley and his alien friends came and stole him.

  10. You left the gate open .....

  11. try using a leash next time

  12. maybe he ran away  put more detail

  13. Ran Away ,Magic? ,drank vanishing potion?


  14. What do you mean??????????

  15. you blinked your eyes?

    You've got a white dog and your in a snow storm?

    You've got a black dog and the power went out?

    If your dog disappeared right in front your eyes maybe you should ask yourself 2 questions: 1. does my dog like me? if it did maybe i wouldn't have disappeared (unless your a magician) and 2. maybe you shouldn't have a dog if you lose it so easy.  

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