
My dog eat a bee then spit out the remainder of the bee now she isn't barking and is panting like crazy?

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My dog eat a bee then spit out the remainder of the bee now she isn't barking and is panting like crazy?




  1. possible allergic reaction. take her to a vet asap. emergency clinics are open nights. her throat could be swelling, which could lead to suffication.  

  2. You should take her to the vet, she might have gotten stung in her throught. and it could be swelled up.

  3. Give us some more symptoms. She may be having an allergic reaction. I say if it progressly gets worse, ER immediately!

  4. honestly ur better of taking the the dog to the vet, rather than asking any of us, because we cant help you, im sorry, but seriously ur just wasting time, she needs to get checked by a veterinarian

  5. She probably got stung, and the venom will likely cause an allergic reaction, or at least some localized swelling in her mouth - and that coudl close up her windpipe.

    You need to get her to the vet right away, or her breathing could be blocked soon - GO!

  6. Hmmm. How long ago did it happen?

  7. It probably got stung, so you should take it to the vet.

  8. take her to the vet.  

  9. The bee may have stung her in the throat.  She is panting like crazy because she may not be able to breath easily.  If it were me, I would take the dog to the nearest vet.  They can give her a shot that will counteract the venom.  Dogs can have bad reactions to bee stings just like people.  

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