
My dog follows me around everywhere!?

by Guest56017  |  earlier

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i read a few post on this before and NO i will not get rid of my dog because YES it is a problem. If we are not literally TOUCHING eachother she will throw a fit. I cant go to the bathroom by myself, i cannot cook by myself, etc. and its not like i think its a problem because i dont like it, its not like that. i think its for safty reasons. She is a chihuahua [6 months] and have you ever tried to move something big while worrying that ur dog may be under you? and what happens if you drop it! i also think it may be a little act of posessiveness over me. We've had her about 5 days and ive been home with her 24/7 so far but school is starting soon and obviously i cant take her with me. I dont want her freaking out the whole 8 hours im gone you know caz im pretty sure its not good to cry for that long. Is there anyway i can make her feel better about not being near me all the time? ....Thats not the exact question but i think you guys get the idea of what i mean.




  1. take her to school i guess..... or get use to it that's what those dogs do they are very loving and possessive of their owners.. extremely!  especially at a young age and that's with every dog.... she will eventually get use to routine... Don't even worry about it!!!

  2. It could be separation anxiety.  My dog has a severe case as well, but he's a German Shepherd. Give it time, It wears down a bit.. She will never really just calm down completely.  You are her new mom and she's still a pup that needs and wants to be trained.  Try to kennel train the dog.  The dog is little, and it's not really necessary, but it will give the dog a "safe place" where she can be alone and feel ok.  So that way you don't have to worry about her being upset the whole day and also, if you have to move something, you can just tell her to kennel up or bed time and she won't be underfoot.  The kennel helps with my dog.  Also, try to ignore the dog.  The more you baby it, and spoil it, the more it shows the dog it's actions are acceptable.  Granted I have to be in eyesight at all times, my dog is content at a distance because he knows that I'm doing something or I don't want to pet him at that moment.  Dogs are like children to an extent.  They crave attention, structure, and schedules.  Once all those are achieved the dog is happy and adjusted.  

  3. She probably has separation anxiety. To avoid this, every time you go out, or come back, ignore her. If she starts to cry and jump, lightly tap her on her neck with your index finger. This will snap her out of her fit, and she won't remember to start her fit again. Keep this up, and pretty soon, she won't be so obbsessive over you.

  4.                                          Crate Training


    Try locking her in a kennel or crate, or "doggie safe area" for a few minutes, while you go do something. Make sure to do the "Crate Process every time she goes in her crate.

    "Crate Process"

    1. Put Dog in kennel, crate or "doggie safe area"

    2. Give treats and a toy

    3. Leave

    4. When you come back, give her lots of praise, and treats. (Also, use the clicker if you are clicker training)

    Leave her out, of her kennel "doggie safe area"or crate for an hour, then put her in for 30 minutes, Repeating the "Crate Process.(steps 1-3)" Then again, when you come back do step 4.

    Repeat slowly extending the time, and make sure you leave time between kennel times, to spend with your puppy. Never expect your puppy to stay in his kennel longer than the age he is in months plus one. (example, if your puppy is 5 months old, only leave it in there for 6 hours. No dog/puppy should stay in it's kennel longer than 7-8 hours.

    This is what i mean by "doggie safe area".

    If you are going to be gone longer than a few hours, either have a dog sitter come to your house mid-day to walk him, or block off your bathroom, kitchen, hall, or other place with tile or wood floors for her to stay in while you are away. Leave food, water, toys, his kennel or crate, and puppy pads or newspapers(unless you want potty on the floor)

    I Really Hope this helped.

  5. Wow, you sound pretty exasperated.  I'd try daycare to get her used to other people and dogs.  It will also teach her that there are other things outside of the house that are interesting and if she is separated from you for a while, you will return and she will have fun anyway.  

    That being said, you've only had her 5 days and I don't know how experienced with dogs you are but that's the way dogs are.  They follow their pack leader.  She is still new in the house, and trying to figure out the pack order.  She's figured out that you are the leader so far and she needs to be near you for security.  Don't let her down.  If you are cooking, then block off the kitchen and leave her in the living room or in her crate to keep her from getting hurt.  Close the bathroom door if you don't want her following you in there..  I'd try to calm down alittle and take a breath.  Maybe this dog thing isn't for you at this time.  

    I have a dog that follows me everywhere and I love it.  I'm careful in the kitchen or have my husband take him in another room if I'm feeling that he'd be in the way while I am cooking. I also use his crate to keep him safe.  He always follows us in the bathroom or down the basement or upstairs also.  I know lots of ppl who have dogs like this.

    I find it relaxing and comforting to know that he's always there for us. But that's our lifestyle.  We want our dog in the room with us wherever we are.  He sleeps in a crate all nite so to keep him out of trouble.  

    Doors, crates, baby gates and employ your family to keep the dog occupied while you are doing something that you don't want the dog around for.

    EDIT:  This is your first dog?  Then I'd just get used to this.  Welcome to Dogville.  If you are having trouble adjusting, just think how the poor dog feels.  Chill out...he'll calm down after you calm down.  He senses what you are feeling.

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