
My dog goes to the bathroom when she walks?

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I have a 170 pound 8 year old Saint Bernard named Zoey.

She has joint problems, that's why it's hard for her to stand up sometimes.

When she goes to the bathroom, she squats to go pee and p**p just like any other female dog does. But then I think she gets tired of squatting and starts walking while she's peeing and pooping.

She gets it all over her tail, and it smells really bad. We sometimes wash her butt and tail because the smell is so terrible. She also pees in the house when ever she wants to. She even pooped once.

How can I get her to stop peeing and pooping while she's walking?




  1. You have a couple of things to consider:

    1. She is a very OLD Saint and in her geriatric years.  She may not be able to "hold it" as long and so pees in the house.

    2. Yes, you're probably right about it hurting her joints.  She is likely to be arthritic at this age.

    You really should consider taking her in to see the vet.  There are medications that might help her if she is having pain issues.

    I had an old dog who literally would "wet the bed" if I didn't set my alarm to wake her up in the middle of the night and take her outside.  She was grumpy about it, but it was better than having her wake up in wet blankets!!

  2. I would check what you feed her and make sure it's not scraps from the table! also bring her to a vet. Good Luck!

  3. I've seen this a lot with older dogs with hip problems, the walking while pooping seems to help move the waste out, I suspect this helps because of the additional side muscle movement while walking. Walking/Peeing I've seen happen at all ages, not sure why they do it.

    I don't think you can stop her from doing it. wash her when she gets "stuff" on her, be gentle and don't scold her, she's doing the best she can. Older dogs take special care, there are several books out on elderly dog care it would be good  for you to pick one up.

  4. My neighbor's dog used to do this. I think the best solution is to check on what you're feeding her. That may be the problem.

  5. Take her to the vet, it sounds like a medical problem.

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