
My dog had a growth on his front leg the size of a gold ball it burst open and red spiders came pouring out?

by  |  earlier

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he was outside today when it happened. I had him on his chain and I hosed him down to get the spiders off. I live in a rual area so the vet is like 2 hours away. Help!!




  1. Take him to the vets as soon as possible!

  2. i beleave thats a hobo spider. thats what they do. poor hydro peroxcide in twice a day. just pro hold her down, slit the wound and poor. cover her eyes while you do it to calm her down. then rince. the spiders should all come out and die.

  3. I'm sorry, but I don't believe you.

  4. r u saying spiders came out of ur dogs leg?

  5. i dont know but i would be freaking out..!

  6. Take em to the vet that sounds pretty serious.

  7. 1) I have a hard time believing that

    2) this is the reptile topic, and last time I checked, dogs aren't reptiles.

    3) Instead of wasting time here, why not start yourself on that 2 hour ride to the vet?

    I don't mean to sound rude, but certainly your vet can do a more thorough check than anyone on the internet can.

    If you are serious, I hope your dog gets better. If you're making this up, well shame on you. :P

  8. it probably wasnt a growth. it was probably a spider nest. and all the spiders were babies

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