
My dog had puppies one week ago. She likes to go outside when they are sleeping to play with our other dog.?

by  |  earlier

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But she always comes back to check up on them. Is this normal and ok? Or should we shut her in with her puppies except to go to the bathroom?




  1. That's normal, you said yourself she comes up to check on them she is a good mom. She needs to go out to play to relax. Think about it how would you handle taking care of at least my guess 4 kids at once

    You would want to run away for a while

  2. She's fine. Now make an appointment to get her fixed. Way too many unwanted pets on this planet. Please.

  3. yea its perfectly normal,if your other dog is the opposite s*x, then maybe shes going to see her husband if they were the ones who hit it off lol.

  4. arr! It's normal she sounds like a good mum! She needs time to relax and enjoy herself too,she'd proberly get depressed if you locked her in most of the day!

  5. Its fine, she needs a break from those pups. Keep her locked up with them and she may start to resent them.

  6. what the h**l???  if you had a kid would you not wanna get away from it every now and then? but still check on it to make sure all is good....

    what kinda question is this..?

  7. Well of course it is normal what if you were a mom wouldnt you take breaks and leve the kids alone for a while

  8. aww...thats perfectly normal! jus normal motherly instincts

  9. Let her do as she wants! How would you like to be shut in?

    She is obviously a good mum - she comes back to check on them. Let her operate as normal otherwise she will get stressed - and that will be passed to the pups.

  10. no thats ok you should still let her play  with the other dog while there napping

  11. Normal!

    BUT if your dog just had puppies, you should be asking your breeding mentor about things like this. Whelping a litter is not something to take lightly! Please consider spaying your girl if you do not have a breeding mentor, because responsible breeders would!

  12. you can let the mom dog go outside and thats normal when she keeps checken on them. she just being making sure there ok and no one is foolen with them

  13. It may be normal that she wants to go outside to play with your other dog but do you realise that she could be carrying infection back to her puppies.  I presume your other dog goes out on walks.  If so he could bring anything back to your female and she, in turn, can transmit it to her puppies.

    You need to be ultra careful when you have a litter.  The mother should not be allowed to mix with any other dogs until the puppies are at least 6 weeks old.

    I always wash my female's feet and her undercarriage if she goes outside to relieve herself before she returns to her puppies.  I would never allow her to mix with my other dogs while her puppies are so young.  

    You cannot be too careful when you have puppies.  They can so easily pick up a virus, especially at the tender age of one week, and this could wipe out the whole litter.

    Sorry to be so blunt but if you breed you must be aware of these dangers in order to protect the mother and her puppies.

    Good luck with your litter.

  14. I think as long as she is checking on them, it's fine. Is she feeding them? That is what is most important.  

  15. it's kinda normal.

    Even if mother dogs had puppies, they still like to get it on with male dogs

  16. is the otherdog the ffatherf so keep the littler ones away.and it is fine i mean your dog just bebecamemom. wouwouldn'tu be worried to

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