
My dog had pups about a month ago ?

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and i want to know if she will greive and miss them once i start giving them to there new owners and should they still be sucking i feed them moist food but they still want to suck will my dog dry up soon or what when are they supposed to stop sucking they are a month and a day old




  1. Puppies, for their sake, should not leave the mother until they are at least 6-8 weeks old.  Yes, your dog will miss her puppies at first, however, after they have been gone for a while, if one of them is brought back for a visit, she will not want the puppy around.  The way of the world, whether animal or human is for the young to leave home.

  2. Well I just got rid of all my dogs puppies and she's ok it's been about 2 weeks now and her milk has already dried up, everything will be fine.

  3. When your pups teeth start coming in Mom will let them know to take a hike, lol.

    Mom will soon enough dry up.

    Just keep on giving them puppy food preferably mixed with goats milk that you can buy at most supermarkets.

    Don`t forget to warm it up a bit and let it break the kibble down till it looks more like a gruel.

    For moms greif buy her some small stuffed animals she will move them as she would her pups.

    Good luck and God bless you and your new pups

  4. Mommy dog will let those puppies know when it's time to stop nursing. it usually happens about the time the puppies get teeth! The puppies will most likely have more separation anxiety than mom. She'll be glad her job is over.

    Please get her spayed!

  5. They need to be 8 weeks old before leaving their mother.

    Please get your dog spayed since you don't know how to wean the pups. Breeding is a serious thing, not to be done just by anyone with any dog.

    Yes she will miss them, you got her pregnant to sell her babies for money.

  6. my friends cat has had kittiens 5 times and she gave them wet food for 6 months and then kept them for like 2 more weeks then gave them away they kinda just know but thats cats i have no experience with dogs sorry!!??

  7. I have never pulled a puppy straight from its mom to give away. If you do, she will drive herself nuts looking for it. When the puppies are well on their way to being weaned, we put them in a an adjourning crate / pen next to mom. Depending on how mom acts and how many there are in the litter, we start taking one, maybe two and put them in puppy housing to start socialization training away from home. If mom isn't too stressed out we take another one a day or so later. The puppies are never alone and neither is mom.  Sometimes we will take them out for awhile and put them back except for one.  Then we will take another a day or so later. Meanwhile the pups have each other are learning to ride in cars, they go to work with me where people can look but not touch. Later they are introduced to being touched and held by adults and children. They get used to every day noises and movement. There are plenty of dogs in my house for them to interact with. While all this is going mom goes back to getting all the playing, exercise,and fun things she was use to before she got pregnant.  If we didn't do this they would be shy and afraid of everything outside being with mom. Its hard to believe, but after a while they act like they do not know each other. We do love them all dearly.

  8. the mom will make the puppies stop nursin from her (mine did anyways) and she will greive when they startin "missing" just like a human mom would. but just give her a lot of love and attention and she will get over it over time. hopes this helps.

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