
My dog has a biting problem...?

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My dog seems to bite...alot. When people, like my neighbors, who babysit him regularly and know him well, sometimes go to pet him, he bites them. Sometimes he just goes up and attacks my daughter too!

He was born in the family, so I know he wasn't abused as a puppy, but I was thinking his energy would go down as he got older, which it hasn't.

He also has a lot of energy, and is a sweetheart when he's not angry. Please help me calm him down or else he may have to live somewhere else!

P.S. He's a jack russel terrier, if that helps.




  1. Jack Russels are hyper dogs to start with. If he doesn't get a lot of exercise he will start misbehaving. When he is biting he trying to play. If you are gone a lot and someone is taking care of him he is bound to get lonely. All you can do is tell him no firmly. If he starts biting spray him with water.

    Good luck

  2. Treat him like a dog. Don't let him on your bed, on your lap, carry him. Leave him on the ground. Don't give him a lot of attention. If he bit you, say firmly, "No." Then put him in a dog crate or the bathroom for 5 minutes without attention. That may help.  

  3. You need to grab his mouth and squeeze every time he bites and use the command "no bite"..every time he tries or does bite you. If he continues to bite apply more pressure till he whines.

    You have had this dog ever since he was born so he believes he is the alpha, not you.

    You need to get this dog OB training and soon before you have more behavioral problems.

    I would invest in an e-collar to and use it on him whenever he goes after your daughter or any kid. I would use it the minute he looks like he is going to do something to your daughter.

    Kids are weak and dogs know that so they will tend to bully them because they know they can.

    You need to let this dog know that YOU are the boss..not him.

    Jack Russels are a terrier breed and have BRED aggression in them.

    They are NOT recommended as family pets because they cannot tolerate children and will attack.

    They were bred to run out badgers, red/gray foxes from their burrows.

    So he really needs obedience training... ASAP.

    If you cannot get a hold on him then you might need to give him to someone that can.

  4. Your dog is not the boss if the house, and your family.  You need to stop the aggression and become the boss.  

    A great method is NILIF (Nothing In Life Is Free).  Give it a google.  But in a nutshell the idea is: Ask your dog to do any variety of tricks before getting anything atall from you, being it food, attention, jumping on furniture, going outside, coming in side, jumping in a car, getting it's leash on, going for a walk, coming in from a walk or any variety of things. It's a non confrontational way to force the dog to acknowledge your leadership, since if he doesn't obey, he doesn't get food/pets/play/mobility etc.

    If your dog is in the hallway, ask him to move so you can proceed.  It's your house, he needs to learn to "yield" to you.  It shouldn't be mean or bossy, you ask him to move, and he gets praised for moving.

    Do'nt allow rough play. Channel energy in walks, or other play activities, like fetch (fetch is the best idea ever). Don't allow the dog to jump on you, ever, or hump your leg, or the legs of your guests. Never allow the dog to grown possessively (or otherwise) over toys, food or other things. You should always be able to remove your dogs food dish without fear.

    Additionally good leash manners will really help your Alpha relationship with your dog. Don't allow the dog to direct the walk by pulling. It's your walk, don't let him drag you, ever.  When you say it's time to move on in the walk, he must follow you.

    Lots of other things, that's a start though.

  5. he's a small dog so he probably gets away with alot of things like growling barking sitting on couch sleepin on th bed . other words, runs the house.   they are hyper dogs so you'll need to take them on at least a 45 min walk.  or 30 min jog.    play some ball of fetch and no petting or anything with out a sit .  or any obeient command.  no eating meals b4 the humans in the house.  

  6. Find a new home for the dog.  He needs someone who actually knows what he is doing!  IT'S NOT OKAY FOR ANY DOG TO BITE, REGARDLESS OF THE BREED!  I have both a Yorkie and a Pit Bull and both know that it's NOT okay to bite, not even play bite!

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