
My dog has a black patch on her iris?

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She's a 10 year old Black Labrador and I noticed a rather big black patch on her iris.. I'm pretty worried. What could this be???

Leah x




  1. try bringing your dog to your vet..

    labrador are considered ne of the breeds prone to cataracts...

    more info about eyecare..

    gudluck on your dog.. woof woof

  2. dont worry its probably just a birthmark

  3. If the patch is new then you need to visit the vet to get it checked.

    It could be a benign age change or an iris cyst, but you can also, unfortunately, get pigmented growths in the iris. Get it looked at sooner rather than later.

  4. It's normal.  Madelaine McCann had the same thing.

  5. don't know  

  6. it ,may be a cataract i would take her to the vet and get him to check it out and see what he says  

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