
My dog has a bump on her face that looks like a wart?

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she is always getting me to scratch it and she makes it bleed alot.she has what appears to be a cherry eye or maybe her eye could be from the wart looking thing. ive heard most warts on dogs are cancer is this true?




  1. Not all wart like lumps are cancerous, but the best way to know is to have a veterinarian do eight a mass aspirate and cytology to see what kind of cells are inside or a biopsy and have it sent to a lab to determine exactly what it is. She will probably require at least a minimum of a local anesthetic for the biopsy and maybe even complete sedation depending what the doctor thinks is best. As for the cherry eye, as long as it is not affecting the surface of her eye, the doctor can check, then it's harmless. It's just really ugly to us, but doesn't hurt as long as it's not scratching the surface. Most vet say leave it alone as long as there arn't other problems like dry eye or an ulcer. Good luck. It's probably best to find out what the wart is so you know what to expect in the future.

  2. Well, if she has cherry eye and then has this growth on her face, it might be a good idea to make an appointment to have her checked out as soon as possible.  Cherry eye is nothing to s***w around with and it needs to be treated before it gets any worse.  Take her to the vet and have her checked by a professional.

  3. some dogs get warts, but if this concerns you please take to the vet because if it is more then better to be safe than sorry  

  4. Since she is scratching at the warts and creating open sores, it’s best to have them surgically removed. She should wear an Elizabethan collar ("lampshade") until the stitches are removed to keep her from getting at those spots while they heal.

    Although most of the warts and cysts that older dogs get are benign, your vet will send the growths to a pathologist just to be sure.

  5. my dog has the same thing on his eye and all the vet told me was it was just a wart that some dogs get when they are older

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