
My dog has a glucose level of 59. Is that too low?

by  |  earlier

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I just got a fax from a blood test taken yesterday. His glucose level is low. I won't have a chance to talk with a doctor until tomorrow. Does this sound too low? The test was taken before he had eaten. He is an 11 pound 6 year old Miniature Pinscher.




  1. Apparently the normal range is 67-125 -- so 59 is not very very low.

  2. It's not real low, and especially since it was a fasting blood sugar.  may give your dog a small treat or something little to eat before going to bed to see if that help.  Also, I found this website that alot of helpful tips for all dogs, don't be misled by the name though.  Alot of the info does pertain to all dogs.  go to

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