
My dog has a pink bump under his nostril.What do i do?

by  |  earlier

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My mother had accidently scratched him on the nose with her ring.

There is no blood, and the bump is quite small. I just want to know if i should take him to the vet. I called one up and they just said to monitor it over the weekend or if I really want i can come in. He recently got fixed like 4 days ago. If its not neccesary to take him to the vet, what do i do to make it go away?




  1. Put ice on it, I don't think the vet can do anything for you  

  2. Sorry, I can't and don't do home remedies, especially when infection is a risk. And since your pup just got "fixed, I think I'd feel better letting a vet check him, just to be on the safe side. Think about this: You just spent a decent sum having him fixed. Wouldn't it be tragic, after investing that much in the dog, to lose him to a secondary problem that you neglected? Do the right thing...let the vet check him.

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