
My dog has a really itchy ear...could it be an infection? Or what? PLEASE HELP!!!!?

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We first noticed it yesterday, but we think that it's been going on for a few days at least.

He's almost 2 years old (he'll be two on January 31st) and he's a Collie. He was inbreed(his parents are brother and sister), and no, we don't breed dogs. We got him from a breeder. Obviously, the breeder isn't very good.

Should I look in his ear, or can you tell?

It's been bothering him a lot, you can tell.

Should we take him to the vet or what?





  1. OMGG I LOVE BORDIE COLLIES!!! :DDD okay anyways, well it'll cost money if you take him to a vet, soo 1st check in his ear or her ear, then like if u dont see anything or something go to a vet or ask you friends that know how to stop the itching and stuff. 1st check the ear 2nd ask ur friends if u dont see anything 3rd if ur friends dont know, u should probrobly go check the bet. i hope this helps! ;]

  2. You should take him to a vet. There could be a number of things going on in his ear, you need a vet to look down with a scope as you can't see very far down an ear just by looking.

    Could be a bacterial, yeast or fungal infection or it could be mites. Could even just be a mass build up of wax, that can be very itchy. You need a vet to check his ear drum is intact so some appropriate drops can be prescribed.

    And dogs are not 'always itchy'. I think Fangirl doesn't put flea treatment on her dogs.


  3. My 7 month old puppy just got over an ear infection. She was shaking her head a lot and scratching at her ear. Her ear was also smelly with brown goo in it. We took her to the vet and she had an ear infection. We had to clean her ears and put medicine in them. Please take your dog to the vet.

  4. dogs are always itchy, and there might be a flea or tick. u may want to look in his ear but if you notice that his tail is like really down and not up alot, u may want to ask a vet for help.  

  5. Your dog might have ear mites.

    If you look in the ear and you see small black dots, chances are your dog has them.

    Take you dog to the vet. They will give you the ear solution.

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