
My dog has an allergy to flea saliva and I can't afford any more vet bills...what are my options?

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My dog has an allergy to flea saliva and I can't afford any more vet bills...what are my options?




  1. need to get the flea problem under control, you need to put front line,advantage or one of the "good " products on your dog , bomb your house & spray  your yard, you may have to do this for a few months, but you need to do the dog monthly, keeping then out of his environment is tough, it took me over a year to get them under control.

    good luck!!!

  2. Completely eliminate the dog's exposure to fleas.  Bomb the house, shampoo and frontline the dog, call a Lowe's or Home Depot to find an organic insecticide you can put on the lawn, and limit the dog's walk/play areas to treated areas of the lawn.  This isn't free, either, but it should cost less than constantly going to the vet.  Good luck.

  3. Control fleas at all costs on all pets in the household.  Keep the dog on Frontline Plus or Advantage at all times and even when the dog is protected, check for fleas in case the product fails to work (if fleas get resistant) or stops working early (you can reapply as early as after 3 weeks if needed).

    Vacuum frequently and wash dog bedding in hot water frequently.  I find outside treatments really don't do much for long unfortunately, so keeping protection on the dog itself is a must.

  4. Buy some Frontline or Advantage at a pet store.

  5. i had a dog allergic to fleas once and he lost his hair it looked so gross we spent $200     4 times a year and he still lost his hair and got fleas i think the vet is a waist of money!! I just kept washing him once a week in dish soap or more if needed! it kept him from getting fleas and also buy this soap called sulfate it helps the hair grow back and if you cant afford the shampoo then use egg whites it also helps hair growth! if your dog is getting bumps spray bug spray on it! you can also use a medicine you get at wal-mart called hot spot to help your dog out! all better then the shots the vet gives them and they stay miserable from it!!

  6. I know you probably don't want to hear this, but you may have to give him up for adoption to a family who can pay those vet bills.  

  7. You could constantly flea comb your dog, killing any you get. Or take 1 more vet bill and get some Frontline or Advantage.

  8. put a little garlic in his food. fleas hate garlic and will stay away from your dog.

  9. In addition to ridding your dog's living area of fleas, nits and eggs, there is a product called 'Flea-d' at Costs about $7 and lasts a month for BOTH of my border collies. One of my BCs is red and sensitive to everything but has not had a bite from anything since 2 weeks after starting to take this. All natural.

  10. Try putting garlic in the dogs diet. It helps a lot. Bomb the house and try to eliminate the flea exposure.

  11. Put your dog in a flea free area ' keep your yard and house flea sprayed on a regular bases

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