
My dog has fleas and i have been researching is there some kind of home made spray?

by  |  earlier

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ok so my dog has been itching for a few days and now the fleas are biting me i've had 4 bites in the past day and the dog has gotten a flea bath and i put advantix on him and it's not helping he sleeps on my bed so thats probably why they're biting me i just want this flea thing to end




  1. Sprinkle borax on your carpets.  Vacuum it up after about 2 or three hours repeat as needed.  Try and keep your dog, other pets, and any young children out of the area until you can vacuum it back up.  Wash your bed sheets and blankets.  And bathe your dog with dawn dish soap everyday for the next two or three days.

  2. u can get a tube of frontline flea and tick drops at the feed store, it works the best for me... my dog was scratching constantly, and when i put that on her it was within 8 hrs or so that i noticed a big difference. the next day she wasn't even scraching anymore.... it works fast... hope it works for u...   :)

  3. my dog itches too i use advantaged

    expensive but wroth it.

    i didn't get flea bites any more

    put it on your dog once a month

  4. there is no `homemade`` flea can go to the pet store:ask for an area or house spray or a bomb for fleas.Its possible, that your whole house is infested with fleas.Advantage is good.

    vacuum up the house, then spray all the corners and along the baseboards.Go out for the day:don't inhale the flea spray!

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