
My dog has hundreds of flea ticks please help.?

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My Miniature Dauschund (pronounced Dodson) has little seed ticks ALL over her ears, they are tiny and it is too incredibly hard to pull everysingle one out even with tweezers and it hurts her, please help




  1. get frontline it kills the ticks and fleas and repells them  

  2. Ask your vet about Frontline. Then get flea and tick shampoo and bathe her in it so they don't spread all over her body. good Luck!

  3. FRONTLINE!!! And flea and tick shampoo!!!  

  4. your best bet is to take the dog to the vet....

    with that many flea ticks he could have animea.... not to ment other disease associated with have to many parasites....

    besides of you try to medicate an animal with this many parasites you may hurt him and over to counter medications will ot work and will just get worst...

    take him to the vet, it will be A LOT cheaper than having to buy more and more tick medicine...

  5. Did you mean the Dauschund is pronounced "Dodson"??

    I have never heard it pronounced like that!!

    Ticks CAN'T be pulled from the dog as the feeders will turn septic(not horribly though) & thats NOT the way to do it!

    Coat them with vaseline or a cooking oil to suffocate them,as this is the only reasonably good home way of doing it.

    Hope this helps! x*x

  6. I would say to use a flea collar or try to wash them off

  7. you might want to call your vet if its hurtsing her but for now go buy flea spray or something to kill most of them

  8. hi,

    There's no doubt about it, ticks are nasty little buggers. Any creature that attaches itself to your skin and sucks your blood is high on the list of things you want to avoid. Worse yet, ticks present a health risk for both dogs and humans. They can transmit a number of diseases, including Rocky Mountain spotted fever, Lyme disease, and--in the case of the female wood tick--something called tick paralysis.

    here's a treatment:

    hope this helps,

  9. You might want to call your vet and ask for some suggestions. especially if it is hurting the dog that much when you pull them out. :(

  10. Seed ticks may be removed with the same shampoo that is used for treating body lice. ... Another method for removing seed ticks involves the use of 2" masking tape.

    The good news is they do not carry lyme desease.

    Good Luck

    H.O.T. Dog

    Handler Owner Trainer of GSD's

    Member U.S.A. & A.W.D.F.

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