
My dog has kennel cough???

by  |  earlier

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my dog caught kennel cough from being at the humane society even though they gave him medicine in his nose to prevent now what do i do??? what can i give him?? help...




  1. You need to take him to the Vet as he needs meds to get rid of the kennel cough.  Kennel cough will not go away by it self, along with the cough the dog also runs a fever.

  2. You need to take him to the vet for antibiotics.  They can also give him something to reduce the cough.

  3. Take him to the vet and the vet will prescribe the correct antibiotics for him.  He'll soon be ok.

  4. Take him to the vet and they will give you antibiotics for the little fella.

  5. dont give him anything it will not work got to the vet and they will tell u what to give it

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