
My dog has really really bad ticks and fleas what can i do??

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My dog has really bad ticks and fleas. We heard Frontline worked really good so we tried that but it didn't work. Then we put a flea collar on her and she still has fleas and ticks. I given her a bath like once a week with flea and tick shampoo and its not working. We put new grass in and we thought it was tick and flea invested so we sprayed it and she is still has ticks and fleas. Do you have anything else that would help her.

Thanks so much!!




  1. Big cold, tub bath.

  2. first you bathe her with a STRONG flea and tick shampoo or dip her then TREAT WITH FRONTLINE!  And don't use a collar because I can tell you from experience that doesn't do a thing!

  3. or also a flea and tick collar

  4. I don;t know where you got the Frontline you put onb your dog, but it wasn't from a vet.  Most likely it was counterfeit, or it would have worked.  Many Frontline products acrried in non-veternarian outlets have come from somewhere else, and some are not the actual chemical.

    Frontline is STILL your best bet, although for now, you can bathe the dog in Dawn dish detergent to remove the existing fleas, and perhaps some of the ticks.

      You should go to the vet's for a real package of Frontlilne, as well as a Preventic collar - Preventic is the most reliable way to stay tick free fro almost three months, and it only costs about 10 bucks - an absolute bargain.

      But do get yourself some real Frontline - and if you can, take the otehr stuff back and tell whomever you bought it from that it isn;t the real stuff.

  5. Bathe the dog in Avon "Skin So Soft". It kills fleas and ticks and acts as a repellent also. You can wash the bedding and rugs with it too. It's the most effective flea repellent I ever found. I think it's sold over the counter at most drug stores now. We used to buy it from an Avon Agent.

    Good luck

  6. ask your vet

  7. GO NATURAL...

    If you are looking for organic / homeopathic (natural) pet products go to they’re awesome! They have an essential oil spray (in tons of scents - you pick) for deodorizing, a special "critter crazy" spray to keep fleas off with citronella and lemon grass, etc. in it - and special bar soaps for pets too. Some with oatmeal for soothing skin conditions, some with essential oils like citronella for keeping off the fleas, etc. PS - If you are looking for other "handmade" pet stuff, check out also has organic pet TREATS! YUM

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