
My dog has red blotches all over that looked like blood at first and one of her eyes is red. what could it be?

by  |  earlier

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she whines whenever i touch her body where its red and only one eye is red I'mm worried and would appreciate any help. Thank you.




  1. it might be a skin rash ask a vet you can even ask over the fone if you dont want to go in but the dog needs medical attachion

  2. Bleeding Internally! My dog had kidney failure and started to do this all over his body that's when we knew we had to put him to sleep I hope it's not what it is but that's what it sounds like.  Look to see if his gums are pink or white? White is bad that means they are anemic!!! Get to the vet asap!!!  

  3. Only a vet can tell you exactly what it is..whatever anyone else says is just a guess.

    This could be something serious or it could be something simple.

    please seek professional, medical attention.  

  4. Go see a vet sheesh. Poor thing- she must be in agony. Sounds like either she has ticks or or some allergic reaction to something.

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